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Today : Friday Oct 18 2024
  • Apr 18 2020 - 14:59
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Corona Could Not Interrupt Education; a New Iranian Experience under the Shadow of a Global Pandemic

Corona Could Not Interrupt Education; a New Iranian Experience under the Shadow of a Global Pandemic


Schools and universities are the first centers affected by the outbreak of the disease. However, closing schools does not mean the closing of education. These days, online schools and virtual training are growing due to home quarantine. Education that will realize educational justice in the country and will not damage the school and university educational trend. A new system that brings many experiences for the educational system of the country.

Development of Online Education Infrastructures



The digital economy and automation technologies development headquarter has sought to develop the information and communication technology infrastructures of the country. Today, the headquarter has started supporting online education infrastructures in order to accelerate the development of the field.

CoronaPlus Movement has been initiated by the efforts of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter and digital economy and automation technologies development headquarter to accelerate the pace of licenses for knowledge-based companies and startups, providing financial support, helping to remove legal barriers for licenses, helping to introduce knowledge-based companies and supply infrastructures, creating a network of different startups and online services required by people during the quarantine.

Establishment of the move will strengthen effective areas in the cyberspace and will lead to the identification of startup capacities.

After evaluating online capacities, they are upgraded and stabilized and help provide better and higher quality services.

Online education, online transportation, online health, online sports, entertainment and online tourism, online content production, social innovation, online stores and ideas and initiatives are among the areas considered in this scan.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 50488

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