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The sympathy of innovation activists and members of parliament; Sattari: Knowledge-based production leap law helps boost technology and innovation ecosystem

The meeting of activists in the field of knowledge-based economy was held in the presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology, the chairman and members of the Knowledge-Based Economy faction of the Islamic Consultative Assembly and activists of knowledge-based companies.

Prior to the meeting, members of the Parliamentary Knowledge Economy faction, together with the Vice President of Science and Technology, visited the Permanent Exhibition of Iranian Technologies and, while getting acquainted with the achievements of export and selected scholars, talked to activists of knowledge-based companies.

The role of knowledge-based production leap law in solving the problems of technology and innovation ecosystem activists

Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, referring to the cooperation between the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology and the Islamic Consultative Assembly in approving the Law on the Leap of Knowledge-Based Production, said: The implementation of the law of leap production produced a special cooperation and cooperation, and although we faced many difficulties and challenges, but this law will have many results and fruits.

Sattari continued by stating that the law of knowledge-based production leap is realizing a new strategic model for implementing the knowledge-based economy in the country: "Fortunately, this law is in the final stage of approval by the Guardian Council. We hope that with the implementation of this law and bylaws, Implement a new and innovative model in support of knowledge-based and creative companies in the country.

Sattari, referring to the development of regulations in the form of a platform with all agencies and ministries to implement the axes of knowledge-based in that particular area, said: "One of the priority and important areas in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology is agriculture." We have serious needs in the field of food security, and given the constraints that our country faces in the field of water, soil and environment, the only way to overcome this dependence is to use technology.

The Vice President of Science and Technology continued: "With the good cooperation and interaction between the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Jihad of Agriculture, while recognizing the neglected points, we are trying to enter the field of agriculture and meet the needs in this area." I believe that agriculture is one of the employment-generating and income-generating capacities in which there is always a serious demand, therefore, it is a suitable environment and has a very high value for investment.

Increase the share of knowledge-based people in the country's economy

In another part of the meeting, Seyed Mohsen Dehnavi, member of the board and chairman of the Knowledge-Based Economy Faction of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, said that the purpose of the meeting was to identify the needs and synergies between key players in technology and innovation. Managing directors of research and technology funds, secretaries of technology headquarters, top knowledge-based companies and other active actors and influencers of the country's technology and innovation ecosystem are present. In this meeting, and in the year when the Supreme Leader emphasizes production, knowledge-based and job creation, we tried to consider the duties and role of each department.

Gholam-Ali Haddad Adel, President of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature, appreciated the interaction between the Vice President for Science and Technology and the Islamic Consultative Assembly regarding the knowledge-based economy and said: Realize the scientific approach and realism.


Haddad Adel stressed the need to scientize economics and economize science and added: "This approach, which has been gradually introduced along with the growth of universities in the country, has grown significantly in recent years, so that 650 companies Knowledge- now is formed based around Sharif University of Technology.


Welcoming the strong presence of scholars in the agricultural sector

Seyed Javad Sadati Nejad, Minister of Jihad for Agriculture, also mentioned the readiness of this ministry to benefit from the ability of knowledge-based people in the agricultural sector and said: "Although the slogan of the Supreme Leader is related to all sectors, he paid special attention to agriculture and accordingly, this year we have a special mission for ourselves.

Alireza Monadi, Chairman of the Education and Research Commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, pointed out that increasing the share of knowledge-based economy in the economy not only does not reduce jobs, but also creates employment and value, continued: It disappears, but a significant number of jobs are created. The share of knowledge-based companies in the economy has reached 400,000 billion tomans, a significant amount that shows that this economy has high capacities and can replace the oil economy and generate income.


Potential capacity of biotechnology in knowledge-based production and export

Mustafa Ghanei, Secretary of the Biotechnology Development Headquarters, referring to the definition of a joint infrastructure between the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology and the ministries to advance the goals of the knowledge base, said: The foundation is approved, the implementation of the clauses of which is a significant step in the movement of agencies and ministries in advancing the knowledge-based economy.

The role of new financing structures in supporting knowledge-based

Ali Vahdat, Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Innovation and Prosperity Fund, emphasized on strengthening the new financing models and structures of knowledge-based companies and said: "The new law of knowledge-based production leap creates new possibilities in the field of financing for knowledge-based companies." New tools in the financing system, along with other parts of the knowledge-based economy chain, play a significant role in the development of this economy, and research and technology funds in different provinces play an important role in promoting the country's knowledge-based economy. The role of banks and insurance should also be given more attention.


Expression of views

In this meeting, a group of activists of knowledge-based companies, managers of innovation centers and science and technology parks expressed their views. Also, the grounds for support facilities under the law for the development of knowledge-based companies were discussed.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 83532


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