We Will Increase the Scientific Ability of the Laboratory Network Members
We Will Increase the Scientific Ability of the Laboratory Network Members
Increasing the scientific abilities of the members of the strategic technologies laboratory network is one of the goals followed up in holding the annual assessment project at the strategic technologies laboratory network.
The network is one of a number of centers that aim to improve the quality of laboratory services and develop and localize products and equipment in the field of science and has expanded its membership to 70,000 in the past few years.
Reza Asadifard stated: one of the serious plans of the network is increasing the scientific abilities of its members, which will be realized by implementing the annual assessment project.
According to Asadifard, the main goal of the project is creating a competition among the members. This healthy, dynamic and constructive competition will encourage the members to increase their scientific abilities, which is to the benefit of both members and the public.
He also asserted: this phenomenon occurs in the network every year and its members evaluate their ability with the program. These members have gathered from the private and public sectors and work together to develop the lab services in the country.
A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs