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An insulin production line is opened/Sattari: a new era is started in the area of domestication of strategic medicine

An insulin production line was unveiled via a conference call attended by Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, and Saeed Namaki, the minister of health.

Following increased sanctions against Iran, the import of medical equipment and drugs such as insulin has become difficult despite the claims in this area. These issues have been turned into motivation for a technological company based in Pardis technology Park to domesticize the technology of this vital drug with the support of the Vice-Presidency.

Pouyesh Darou Co. has announced its preparedness for increasing the amount of insulin sold in the domestic market. The production of Iranian insulin is the result of more than three years of research in the R&D sector of the company. The domestic production of insulin can prevent the exit of millions of dollars in foreign exchange.

During the ceremony, Sattari expressed: today, the highest level of currency exit from the country is related to the import of insulin. Today, a small step is taken to start a new era of strategic medicine domestication by initiating a production line in the country. Efforts will continue to be dedicated become self-sufficient in terms of all drugs.

Pointing out the support provided by the ministry of health, Sattari added: it is hoped that foreign currencies be maintained in the country with the help of the knowledge-based companies in Pardis Technology Park.

On the other hand, Saeed Namaki, the minister of health, talked about the efforts made by knowledge-based companies to meet the country’s needs in terms of medicine, asserting: the Vice-Presidency has made extensive efforts to form an innovation and technology ecosystem in the country. We have been able to increase domestic production by 30% with the help of our knowledge-based companies.

During the ceremony, Mahdi Safarinia, the head of Pardis Technology Park, expressed: we have attempted to provide most services to knowledge-based companies and we hope that all drug-manufacturing companies become self-sufficient in the country with our help.

Given the vital existence of insulin for patients with diabetes, Pardis Technology Park will support technological companies to increase their insulin production rates.

Mohammad Reza Shanesaz, the head of the food and drug organization of Iran, attended the video conference and mentioned: with the launch of the country's first line of insulin production, $20 million will be saved. It is a great honor for Iran that a large number of companies are waiting for their production lines to be open during the corona outbreak. 

The product will be produced by Pouyesh Darou Co. in Pardis Technology Park of Tehran after being confirmed by the food and drug organization.

With the launch of this production line, as well as similar lines that will be put into operation in the near future, in addition to meeting the domestic needs of this important, high-consumption and strategic product in the country, Iran will appear as one of the producers of pen insulin in the region.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs

  • News group : NEWS,Headquarters,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 68176

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