Creating economic power based on knowledge and technology,
commercialization and distribution of power must be carried out for solving national problems, strengthening self-efficacy, and forming competitive advantage in international markets. By doing so, we can promote national authority, increase wealth creation in the national arena, and promote the quality of life of people.  
Accordingly, different mechanisms of the development of the innovation and technology ecosystem in the society, such as programs to support the innovation and commercialization of technology in universities and research centers and industries, stimulating demand and creating a market demand for the knowledge-based services and goods, supporting the development of strategic technologies and performing macro national demand-centered projects, supporting the formation of knowledge-based industries in all provinces of the country, focusing on technology-based entrepreneurial activities, and making efforts to enforce the law protecting knowledge-based companies and institutions, are the priorities of the programs of the headquarter.
In addition, special attention is paid to the evolution of institutional infrastructure and the organization of the country's innovation system, including expanding various models for financing technology and innovation such as venture capitals, directing national resources and banks to support technological and innovative activities, guiding government purchases, national development plans and foreign investment to strengthen knowledge-based companies, attracting private and corporate partnerships in the development and commercialization of technology, supporting the effective role-playing processes of the private sector in  innovation and business development, and creating knowledge-based industries and paying attention to the export of knowledge-based products and exchanges. All of these acts are followed up by various sections of the Vice-Presidency in line with the general programs and policies of the economy of resistance.
In this document, it is aimed to analytically review the trends and approaches that have taken place since the beginning of the role of the Vice-Presidency of the government of prude and hope in policy-making and directing science and technology in the country while drawing the latest pictures and events and conducting a historical overview of domestic policies and actions in the field of science and technology. Therefore, the present report seeks to provide a brief overview of the activities and activities of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs in the past three years, and a new format. In addition, it is presented as a booklet of the new approaches to science, technology, and innovation management and policy-making for establishing common ground in this area. It is notable that the mentioned activities carried out at the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs have been made possible with the empathy, coherence and cooperation among colleagues and other organizations such as the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology - Health, Medical Education and Training - Oil, Industry, Mine and Trade, as well as many other national institutions and with the advice and sympathy of experts, academics, researchers, technologists, industry owners and knowledge-based companies. It is hoped that tremendous events will be witnessed in our beloved homeland on the path of growth and prosperity with these types of cooperation and collaboration.

Sorena Sattari The vice president for science and technology affairs and president of the national elites foundation