The Statement of Second Step of Revolution Will Shed Light on Our Path
  • Mar 3 2019 - 14:25
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The Statement of Second Step of Revolution Will Shed Light on Our Path

The Statement of Second Step of Revolution Will Shed Light on Our Path

March is a strange month. It is neither winter nor spring. It both smells of oil and is hot as fire. In these days, the “second step” of the Islamic revolution is being taken, especially during the hardest time and the economic war against the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is necessary to point out some notes:

First: “if our work would have lasted for a year, and modifications were made in non-oil economy as planned, and the budget determined to this area was supplied, the improvements made in this field could have reduced the number of members of Tudeh Party of Iran.” (Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh, Taghrirat Zendan, p. 134)

Second: “one day, Mosaddegh, trusted the Americans and considered them as friends. The1953 Iranian coup d"état” occurred, where the place of coup was owned by Americans, and the coup agent who came to Tehran with a luggage full of money and distributed money among thugs to carry out the coup was American. They confessed to this issue themselves. Then, they established the tyrannical ruling of the country by Pahlavis for many years to dominate this region…Today, the Iranian nation has awakened. Americans’ incentives are known not just by Iranians but by all regional countries…All authorities are responsible for observing the national interests and independence. They must preserve the dignity of the Iranian nation. (The Supreme Leader, Statements, February 7, 2013)

Third: Why have they developed sanctions against us? Various unrealistic answers have been given to this question. Many people say that because we do not give ransom to the “Big Boss”, we have this condition today. Everyone saw what happened to the national development and Dr. Mosaddegh. After that, several phenomena occurred that revealed the inaccurate policies of this movement. It did not matter whether they were friends or enemies. They rob everyone. If failed to do so, they destroy. This is what happens when you have power brought by the wind. But I want to give a true answer to the above question: people have sanctioned us since we have understood how to stand on our own feet. However, this issue has been badly advertised, result of which has been overlooking the issue by many. To confirm this issue, it is notable that the largest sanctions of the United States against Iran exist at this time, when the most scientific advancements and extensive technological moves have been carried out in the country. We have never experienced this level of science and technology during 40 years after the Islamic revolution. In addition, we have never had a higher hope toward future. However, are these signs not enough to prove that the United States is in conflict with us because we are self-efficient, self-reliant and independent?

Let’s take a simple look at today’s condition: “the ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship” has been developed in Iran. Its policies are determined and its structure has been shaped. That is why the development of innovation ecosystem and facilitation of entrance of creative and innovative youth in new businesses have emerged in the country. More than any time, our youth need creativity and dynamism, hope and belief, and trust in the path of entrepreneurship and job selection. It is important to note that they must pay attention to society needs in creating wealth. This means that our condition will be improved greatly.

More than four thousand knowledge-based companies exist in the country, which have yielded huge incomes and added value in the country. “Improving the role playing of knowledge-based companies in the economy of the country, especially for eliminating technical barriers” is greatly tangible in these days. The role of the economy of resistance has been highlighted by this number of knowledge-based companies.

“Development of strategic technologies and those required for the future of the country” is another issue that causes us Iranians be more proud of our belongings. Thousands of development projects and hundreds of macro national projects have been regarded as the best works in the world. In addition, “prominence and acquiring scientific authority and having access to borders of science and technology” have astounded all people. The westerns say to themselves: “What are Iranian doings? How are they achieving these enhancements?” However, from the outside, they show conflicts with Iranians. Put simply, they do not want us to improve. They do not want us to be better than them. With the huge civil Iranian-Islamic background of Iran, it is natural that others are scared of us and attempt to destroy us.

Westerns have shouted to the world that the Islamic republic of Iran has “brain drain”. They have made a lie and reported unrealistic numbers and figures to lie to the global society. However, “dynamism and making the role of Iranian elites active inside and outside the country in progress of science and technology in the world” have shown that these are nothing but a lie. Many non-resident Iranian elites from 100 top universities of the world have returned to Iran in the past few years with the support of the national elites foundation. Technology companies have been established and attracted huge attention.

Another issue is that we have completely separated us from the years of consumption and import. These days, we export technological products to other countries. “Improvement of position and share of Iran in the global market of knowledge-based products” is not something that is neglected by westerns. Today, export of these products have reached 320 million dollars. With regard to the acceleration of activities of knowledge-based companies, it is predicted that a huge increase will observe in these number in future years, and we can show our independence to the world more than before.

Fourth: I accept that we have some problems. Economic issues in the country cannot be neglected. Nevertheless, progress made in the country is indicative of improvements. Big changes are on the way. In any change, there are some problems in the beginning and there are some barriers. Those who are fair know that we have had no deterioration. War has made us more powerful and experienced. While sanctions are tyrannical and have slowed us down, they have increased our self-confidence and self-reliance. Limitations have improved our creativities. Threats have made us more powerful.

Now is the time to see and believe the truth. We are making progress. After 40 years, we have obtained so many things that are dreams of many calm and proposedly chic countries. During this month, many phenomena have occurred, which might be more dignifying than the nationalization of oil industry. We will soon celebrate the “nationalization of non-oil industry” if we adhere to the statement of the second step of revolution by the supreme leader as the light of path of the second 40 years. If we believe in the youth and pay attention to knowledge-based economy, scientific authority and science production pace, we will show our power to the world. Oil revenues have made us dependent. But, now is the time to become independent. The youth I see in Iran can make any impossible into possible. They are stronger than any nuclear power and their services are more resilience.

Advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs 

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