The Passed Path and the Bright Future
  • Oct 8 2016 - 21:21
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The Secret of a 37-Year-Old Success

The Passed Path and the Bright Future

The Passed Path and the Bright Future

 The mankind is forgetful and forgets that where he was before, what path he has passed and with whose help he has reached where he is now. The very place we are now- whether good or bad- requires us to refer to past every while and review the path passed. Meditation is not only important in personal progress but also it helps the collective progress to achieve self-awareness and understand our collective weak points and strengths. 37 years ago that the Islamic revolution triumphed and Iran’s new political and economic relations with the world began, our economic stamina was weak and we were in crisis even in meeting our basic needs. However, because of our beliefs and unity and revolutionary pizzazz we were in such a situation that we didn’t consider any of our serious weakness and no obstacles could thwart us.

Our only economic stamina was oil then which we sold for chicken feed and spent to live. The bases of country’s growth and development were whether not established or about to be prepared. Remember, there weren’t enough number of physicians even in the capital and we had to import physician from India or Pakistan for least amount of hygiene. Just look at the late 50s and early 60s pictures to see in what situation people lived. Especially when the war started, the country’s facilities were spent on defensive powers and no opportunity was provided to develop the country in practice. Remember that we are talking about a time when slums were around cities, slum dwelling had become a common issue in the margin of large cities and schools had to work in two shifts to respond to educational demands of students.

It is completely ingratitude if we don’t appreciate what we have. Importing physician has turned to that we now have one of the best medical situations not only in the region but also in the world. It’s neither compliment nor exaggeration. Today we are the best in cardiac surgery, kidney and lung transplantation, curing diseases of eye and stem cells and rare and particular diseases and so on and we are in such a situation that people from other countries come here to get treated. We have made progress in engineering as well and many regional countries are jealous of our road and construction. There were many people since thirty and few years ago that threw cold water, sapped the nation’s will, but because of decree of If you help God he will help you back, the Iranian nation managed to reach a position in 36 years that the world admit their progress. Not 36 years ago but even up to 10 or 15 years ago many people talked about disappointment and claimed that nuclear progress was advertising. Even they made programs on satellite channels that Iran pretends to making progress and it is impossible for Iran to reach the position of advanced countries. We have made progress Not only in nuclear but in Nano and bio and stem cells and aerospace amazingly and reached good destinations. We should return and learnt from the history to see where we went correctly and where we didn’t. But more importantly, we should avoid “disappointment” in any level and don’t guide our dreams to depression and darkness. One reason that “Blackwashing” is abominable and obscene is that it kills hope in young people and withdraws motivation of trying and working from them. We need to work with unity and try for comprehensive prosperity of this country more than ever. Absolutely, the scientific growth must be comprehensively and reaches other sites from nuclear and Nano and others. But this issue is not a shot in the dark.

We have experienced and reached a good rank and position. Actually, this progress has been made in the shadow of withstanding political, dogmatic and revolutionary beliefs. All powers helped each other’s to slam the Islamic Republic down. As a matter of fact, they boycotted us for this reason and unjustly to watch us fail. Vice versa, we did something to become their rival in many different fields. The Iran that used to be the biggest importer form America in late 50s has today turned to a producer that has distressed America. Actually their concerns are not for nothing. They have achieved none of their goals. Instead, we have become stronger and more fortified. Isn’t it a justification that we should be optimistic about future? Fake and costless optimism is indeed illusive. We should check what the main secret of our success was in these three decades then go the same way. If we consistently withstand our right and religious beliefs, help oppressed people and fight with the cruel ones, seek our revolutionary and Islamic goals, be united and don’t get captured by material things and chain of lust doesn’t trice us, talk about righteousness and defend it, treat each other with brotherhood and empathy, and finally avoid laziness and disappointment, a much more honorable and brighter future will be achieved, unequivocally. This is the God’s word and he never breaches his words. On the other hand, it is good to be worried. Enemies are not idle. They want to cause schism among the nation and turn the country’s forces against each other. Optimism is good when we continuously take care of ourselves and stop dangers. We should try harder where we are weaker and compensate our weaknesses. Where we are strong must be propagated to other sections.

It was hard to predict such days 36 years ago. Existence of more than 2700 knowledge-based companies is easier said than done. You should be among technology and scientific communities and accelerators to see how eager are the young people and how they build the bright future of this country gradually. Actually, if these knowledge-based companies get bound to principles and fundamentals of the resistive economy, then we will be immune to wasting and pointless expenditures and formality and useless compliments. We may say that in this historical juncture, a paradigm shift is happening on economic issues. This is an auspicious happening. The government’s role is fading everyday (i.e. government’s tenure is lessening) and people and the private sector (especially smart and subtle and motivated and believers young people) will be in charge. So why shouldn’t be hopeful and why shouldn’t be take part in making a bright future? For the termination of this note, I account the wise quote of the Supreme leader in visiting the president and the cabinet to remind myself and readers of the journal that future belongs to us and our children:

“The sublimated God makes all of you successful and God willingly, your future will be much brighter than today and it will be for sure with God’s help and this country’s future will be much better and more advanced than today.”


*Parviz Karami


Secretary of the knowledge-based science, technology and economy culture development headquarter

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