Spring of Science and Technology
  • Mar 14 2015 - 15:57
  • 434
  • Study time : 5 minute(s)
On the Spring and National Commitment for Knowledge-based Economy

Spring of Science and Technology

Spring of Science and Technology

Parviz Karami

Spring is the season of renewal, luxuriance and refreshment. The soul of life is blown into the dead soil and renews the world. It wasn’t pointless that our wise ancestors would celebrate this renewal, luxuriance and refreshment and probe into it. It is hoped that the only God who changes our feelings, whose will plans our days, nights, months, years, centuries and millenniums, who has determined autumns after springs and springs after autumns, who has the life and death of all the creatures in his hands, and who has put sequential renewals in this world looks at our wintry and deplorable feelings, flashes the spring sun into the coldness of our nature, unfreezes our soul and heart ice, grows the tree of knowledge in us and makes it productive, and gives us the gifts of wisdom, kindness and refreshment.

There is no connection between creation and oldness, solidity, petrification and depression. The prophets and their truest disciples are referred to as Beings Spring because they shine like the spring sun on solidity and darkness and give a new life to those who are capable of living. What does the spring wind do with jonquils and basils and how does it turn a dry and dead twig into a strong and fruitful tree? The prophets also save us from difficulty, coldness and enmity and just like the spring’s blue sky, highland’s clear water and enthusiastic hearts of mystics, they refresh us and make us feel better. In seasons’ alteration, arrival of the spring and autumn’s departure, there exists so deep truths that the wise people of the world look at them with credit and take lessons from all these renewals and transformations. To put it in a nutshell, the men of letters and insight need to be constantly exposed to the spring’s sun, refresh themselves continuously, say new things since newness is sweet in a new way, and escape from solidity and oldness because it brings dullness and decay.

By the way, no clan is in danger of solidity and fustiness as much as the scholars and every moment they are prone to turn their knowledge to a kind of resistant folly and an obstacle on the way of enlightenment. The reason why the wisest of all goes the utmost ignorant is merely that he can’t let go of his old and fossilized foolish ideas. In addition, in the modern era there is no improbability for the scholars to resist against new utterances, the newly emergent truths and the spring of knowledge and wisdom. He said that there is no repetition in the truth. It means that no truth gets old, repeated and dull. Every moment it takes a new color. These are our childish perceptions of the truth which get old. What gets solid as stone is our apprehension which we wrongly consider as the truth and depend on it.

Knowledgeable people depend on wisdom but this dependence doesn’t mean that there is no place for new utterances in their minds and hearts. The essence of knowledge and wisdom is essentially with new utterances otherwise it’s folly in clothes of knowledge.

Now that the spring is close and we have the plea to be revised and refreshed in our hearts, it’s good to think about what we’ve done in the recent year and take lessons from our failures and letdowns. Only those who say and do nothing are faultless. Every task is accompanied with fault and experience that if reviewed critically and wisely, it can provide us with experience and avoid its upcoming failures.

Now that we are close to Nowruz and spring, it’s good to evaluate the performance of ourselves and other public and private organizations to understand where we are standing exactly, where we are going and what we are supposed to do. Awareness of abilities, weaknesses, ideas and priorities helps us flatten the uneven ways of scientific progress and advance in the scientific path of the country with determination and certain steps. Now that we look at the past and compare today’s condition with yesterday, we see that no phase as today has been this ready for scientific progress.

Everybody from the wise leader of the Islamic revolution and the reputable president to university professors and students, entrepreneurs and economists all agree that the improvement of the economic situations depends on the bright idea of knowledge-based economy. Thanks God that today we have arranged everything to fulfil this idea and the space is practically and theoretically ready for our intellectuals and sharp, capable and brainy children to take action. If there have been some legal obstacles in this way, many of them have been conquered with the help and sympathy of the science and technology vice president, the parliament and the respectable government.

The forthcoming path has got flattened and appropriate facilities have been prepared through so many protocols. The political and economic situation is also capable of making us take distance from the old-fashioned, cold and depressed economics have new things to say in the field of knowledge-based economy and do new things. We take the nature’s spring as a sign of the spring of science and technology and ask God to change our feelings to the best and help us succeed in fulfilling our commitment to our country and Islamic revolution.

Source: Saramad Journal


Editor of the monthly magazine "Saramad" and Adviser to the President of the National Elites Foundation

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  • News code : 18086


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