Knowledge and technology are two wings of domestic development and economy of resistance
  • Mar 1 2019 - 19:29
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  • Study time : 3 minute(s)
A Message to the Medical Plants Festival

Knowledge and technology are two wings of domestic development and economy of resistance

Knowledge and technology are two wings of domestic development and economy of resistance

The area of knowledge and technology is created by the efforts of tireless people, which realizes the growth and excellence of human society in terms of thoughts and powers. Frequent emphasis of Islam on learning science and using this science have shown the scientific basis of Islam and the long-term background of scientific Muslims emphasizes this issue as well.

The Islamic revolution of Iran occurred when the former systems were attempting to increase the reliance of the country on the west and becoming a consuming country. In this regard, consumption and lack of scientific work and efforts could destroy the excellent roots of a society. Under the leadership of Imam Khomeini and Imam Khamenei, the Islamic republic of Iran showed that achieving a new Islamic civilization that is based on science and technology will be realized in the near future. However, a necessity for achieving this goal is coordinating science with practice and creating wealth and well-fare for the human society. It is notable that production of science without being used not only has no benefits for the country but also imposes heavy costs on the country and its benefits will be given to others. As one of the most effective decision-making and administrative units in the field of science and technology, the Vice-Presidency has aimed to create a coherent, organized, and continuous communication between scientific centers, research centers and universities with industries, knowledge-based companies and idea owners so that the chain of science transformation to wealth could be completed. In this regard, the special headquarters for development of various sciences have been formed in the Vice-Presidency, each entering the strategic areas of the country with power. The nanotechnology, stem cells, aerial and aviation technologies, water, drought, and environment, new energies, biotechnology, information and communication technologies, microelectronics, marine sciences, oil, gas and coal, new energies sciences and technologies, energy optimization and environment and cognitive technologies, soft and identity-making technologies, medical plants and traditional medicine are active in various fields of technical and engineering, humanities, environment, health and treatment, and agriculture. Each of these headquarters has a special mission in the area of organizing the area of science and industry in line with macro goals of the system, providing valuable services in this field. For instance, the medical plants sciences and technologies development headquarter has been able to establish effective communication between various active fields in the area of medical plants, obtaining valuable achievements in this field. The second national festival and exhibition of medical plants is a great opportunity to create a close and in-person communication among experts, industry owners and idea owners so that the society could be familiarized with the achievements of the headquarter and observe the efforts of scientific industrialists and idea makers of the country. Without a doubt, holding such festivals could lead to achieving the mentioned goals, and by introducing the achievements produced by scientific efforts in the country and creating the spirit of self-belief in the society, the path toward progress and cooperation of people would be facilitated through developing these achievements and moving in line with the economy of resistance and knowledge-based economy. Therefore, I hereby appreciate all efforts made by our colleagues in the medical plants and traditional medicine science and technologies development headquarter and its administrative committee for extensive efforts dedicated to holding this national festival.

  • News group : Notes
  • News code : 43108


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