Economy of resistance; production, occupation and freedom from the curse of resource with the knowledge-based economy
  • Aug 23 2017 - 23:25
  • 756
  • Study time : 7 minute(s)
A Message from the Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs on the Occasion of Week of Government;

Economy of resistance; production, occupation and freedom from the curse of resource with the knowledge-based economy

Economy of resistance; production, occupation and freedom from the curse of resource with the knowledge-based economy

Economy of resistance; production, occupation and freedom from the curse of resource with the knowledge-based economy

The vice president for science and technology affairs sent a message on the occasion of the week of government, emphasizing on the importance of achieving the goals of economy of resistance and special attention to knowledge-based economy.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the complete text of the message of Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology, is as follows:

“The modern world is a knowledgeable world where science, technology and innovation are regarded as the key elements for development and progress. In addition, knowledge-based economy has entered all aspects of life, and flourishing of any society depends on its level of knowledge.

The Islamic Iran is no exception, and there is no way for its progress but reliance on science, technology and innovation. Economy of resistance is indicative of this excellent path toward the peak of knowledge and ability. In addition, economy of resistance is recognized as an endogenous, outsourcing, knowledge-based, public and justice-centered economy, aiming to free the economy of country from the “curse of resources”, replacing it with something that is based on the knowledge and actions of scientists and the youth. In addition, this economy facilitates the achievement of scientific flourishing in the country by using the thoughts, actions and measures taken by academics, industrialists, technologists, benevolent people and the public.

Accordingly, the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs acts as an organization working with various units to advance its mission, which is moving from resource-based economy toward knowledge-based and export-oriented economy, so that it can move toward creation of an economy based on science and technology, commercialization and its dissemination to solve national problems, enhancing self-reliance and creating competitive advantage in international markets by coordination and synergy with other organizations. By doing so, national authority of the country is promoted, wealth is created on a national level and quality of life of people is enhanced.

In order to achieve the mentioned goals, various measures were taken by the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs in the 11th government, including implementing and exploiting the full capacity of the law to protect knowledge-based companies and institutions by approving the qualification of about 3150 companies, creating nearly 90,000 direct employments and income of 300,000 billion IRR, attracting a credit of about 30,000 billion IRR through Iran national science foundation activation of lines of credit financing in the form of providing loans, working capital and leasing to knowledge-based companies and research and technology foundations, designing, approving and implementing the “international attachment technology and important national plans”, supporting the creation and development of new methods to financially support technological and innovation projects, such as intellectual market property, venture capitals, support of development of export markets and technology exchange on an international level, developing and promoting the culture of innovation, technology and enhancement of knowledge-based economy, developing commercialization and promoting technological entrepreneurship through defining and implementing more than 100 technology macro plans, developing the innovation and technology capacities on a national level through headquarters to develop strategic technologies, and supporting the creation of markets for knowledge-based companies through political approaches, including holding five rounds of exhibition of equipment and materials made in Iran.

Today and at the dawn of the 12th government, the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs will use its experiences as a guide to improve science, technology and innovation in the new government, applying the strategies below:

Creation and development of startup ecosystem and improvement of knowledge-based innovation and entrepreneurship in national levels: the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs acts as the executive body of the government, which is not affiliated to any other organization. The major mission of this headquarter is realization of “knowledge-based economy and economy of resistance”, for which this organization has a special outlook about the important and effective dimensions in development of influential components of knowledge-based economy.  In other words, the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs will aim to create comprehensive policies and will attract the cooperation of key beneficiaries from public and private sectors, taking effective steps toward creating an innovative and entrepreneurial ecosystem in the economic-social environment of the country. Executive arrangements of the Vice-Presidency are support of development and promotion of innovation centers and accelerators, presenting new models for knowledge-based financial support, such as venture capitals, intellectual property market and collective financing, drafting and improving required regulations for development of science and technology in the country, and culture building and promoting dialogue on technology, innovation and knowledge-based economy.

Improvement of share of knowledge-based companies in implementation of national and international macro projects and plans: with regard to the executive and operational approach of the eleventh government toward implementation of the law to support knowledge-based institutes and companies (approved in 2010), which was delayed until 2013, proper actions have been performed to promote these companies. Now is the time to witness the serious role of these companies in the economy and their participation in macro plans of the nation on a national and international level. Therefore, some of the future plans of the Vice-Presidency are defining and performing technology in their macro projects, membership in economic councils and helping the promotion of technology goals in macro projects in the form of marketing for knowledge-based companies, and using the capacities of headquarter of the economy of resistance for marketing of knowledge-based companies.

Provision of technological solutions to improve the domestic technical abilities to solve strategic and macro challenges and problems of the country: many serious challenges of the country can be solved with technology and innovation. Therefore, the science and technology system of the country must act responsibly in this regard. Some of the major challenges in the economy of the country include the optimization of energy consumption, drought and water scarcity, efficient environmental management, problems of dunes and air pollution. Therefore, presenting technological, innovative and knowledge-based solutions for these challenges is one of the main strategies of the Vice-Presidency, which will be followed up in this government.

Improvement of the ability to export knowledge-based products and increase of investment attraction and foreign cooperation in technological projects: access to international markets and volume of exports of knowledge-based products and services is one of the indicators of technology and economy development in each country of the world. In this respect, the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs has attempted to empower companies with the cooperation of the government and the private sector by exploiting the conditional, timed and purposeful supports of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs to create the necessary infrastructures, improve the volume and quality of knowledge-based exports. The main approach of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs regarding international cooperation and technology exchange is creating an appropriate foundation for activities of players of innovation system, especially for innovative and knowledge-based companies. In other words, the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs has aimed to provide facilities and create the necessary infrastructures for entrepreneurship of Iranian technological and innovative companies on an international level.


At the end, we are happy to announce that bright future awaits us regarding the sales rate and occupation creation at the dawn of the twelfth government and in a year called “economy of resistance, production and occupation” by our Supreme Leader. It is the duty of all society members to make a better future for the Islamic republic of Iran, if God wills.”

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  • News code : 26933


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