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Today : Wednesday Oct 16 2024
  • Nov 12 2014 - 15:29
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  • Study time : 4 minute(s)

Clouds Will Rain Diamonds

Clouds Will Rain Diamonds

Parviz Karami

In the world of journalism, we have frequently heard that news is as a child dying immediately after birth. This has been said to emphasize the importance of news newness to the reporters. Let’s leave the serious challenge on such an ideology and point of view for another time; however, we cannot simply turn a blind eye on the birth and death of news in the scientific journalism.

I want to raise a question here, and I know that all of us have a clear answer to it in our mind and tongue. “What is the main reason of sanctions and international pressures on Islamic Republic of Iran?” Yes, that’s right. “Quick and significant scientific progress during the previous decades.” Well, we are also going for the most advanced weapons; those stronger than the bombs razing Hiroshima and Nagasaki to the ground. Weapons being faster and more covering than the Zionists’ iron shield, Patriot and S300. Yes, it is true, but the weapon that our scientists are going for would kill no child, displace no mother, mad no man. Our weapons are to build civilization, equality, development and luminance.

Please, pay attention to this sentence. “This award belongs to the researchers in the world being effective in vital science and promotion of the quality of humans’ life.” They are the words of Dr. Hossein Baharvand - the Iranian scientist and president of Royan Research Institute for Stem Cell Research and receiver of UNESCO international award in biological science in 2014; with his genuine Iranian smile on the face and with his belief in Islam. Those words were neither published by Reuters, Associated Press, CNN nor by Fox News. However, the bomb made from such a thought and principle will be exploded in the world soon and all will witness its light and brilliance.

Now Iranians know that weapon in the conventional sense is as a sinned and evil son that his existence trouble will tangle his owner and master tomorrow if not today. Most of the countries around us have fallen in this abyss. The lust of having more modern and newer weapons has made their days and nights the same and they show no mercy to their brothers and coreligionists. Beware of this misleading ways! The theist Iranian scientists have proved in history to take advantage of science in the humanitarian direction, and have always gone for “the promotion of human’s quality”. Right now, after 8 years of resistance and deep wounds from the world’s cowardice and its followers in the imposed war, although we have got strong in warfare, no sign of violence is seen in our path of scientific research and technological advancements, and we have always stretched our friendship hands. The east and the west did their best to stick the ill-matched patch of making nuclear weapons on our pure robe, but they could not.

Now the story; scientific journalism can take our right from those rioting. Having experienced and vigilant reporters, preparation of news policy-makers and participation of those involved in science and technology of the country will build an undefeatable army for us so that we will be able to prove our legitimacy to the world. Our scientists should rely on the power of media more than before. Our media should return to our historical and religious beliefs that “if the science is in heavens, men of Persia will achieve it”.

Iran in the following months will grant an award called Mustafa Scientific Prize to the most outstanding scientist of the Islamic world having the highest number of prestigious scientific awards in the world. Our journalists should feel responsible that one day, which is very near, all people of the world will know this award and envy our ownership and propriety. Now, news is no longer as a child in the sphere of science and technology dying immediately after birth, but as a priceless diamond polished by serious efforts of our media turning into the mountain of Light in the head crown of the nation. Doubtlessly, the fertile clouds of our knowledgeable children will rain diamonds soon.


Ladies and gentlemen! Colleagues! Our science and technology need propagation and support of media. We should remember that the trueborn Ferdowsi composed: “Thy source of might is knowledge, education makes old hearts grow young again!” and turn our sleeping spite into a smile with the will of a martyr that he saw his brothers and comrades drowned in blood, but wrote romantically: “ Dear wife! Take care of children well and help them in acquisition of science. Take them to the mosque so that they will become useful people to our society.”

Media Advisor of vice-president of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,Notes
  • News code : 18079


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