“Fashion” Is a Cultural Industry
  • Dec 6 2015 - 20:36
  • 242
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)
Sajjad Niri:

“Fashion” Is a Cultural Industry

“Fashion” Is a Cultural Industry

The president of the identity maker and soft technologies development headquarter of the scientific vice presidency stated at a meeting with the superior brands of the cloths and fashion industry: The fashion and cloths industry is a cultural industry.

According to the information center and public relations of the presidency’s scientific and technological vice presidency, the joint meeting of the president of the identity maker and soft technologies development headquarter of the presidency scientific and technological vice presidency and the clothes superior brands in the layout of the clothes industry committee of Iran was held along supporting the superior brands of cultural industries and defining and supporting their development.

At this meeting, some notions about the value and the existing economical power in this industry, the high job creation in this industry, the necessity of intelligent and proper support of this industry and performing effective actions for turning this industry to knowledge-based were also mentioned.


At the end, it was set that in future meeting some certain activities such as holding Startup-weekend in the clothes industry and accelerating centers in this industry would be discussed.

  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 10683


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