Relations with the global science network will be improved
Relations with the global science network will be improved
According to the Plans Determined in the Commercial Helicopter Workgroup of the National Space Administration;
Support priorities in the area of helicopters is determined
Support priorities in the area of helicopters is determined
In the Form of Exchange Program of Young Chinese Scientists;
Iranian young researchers will travel to China to perform science and technology studies
Iranian young researchers will travel to China to perform science and technology studies
General Director of Office of Innovation and New Businesses of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology Announced:
International cooperation will expand in the area of sport innovations
International cooperation will expand in the area of sport innovations
Sorena Sattari Expressed in an Interview with Khabar Online:
Culture building for ecosystem of entrepreneurship; the way to develop knowledge-based economy
Culture building for ecosystem of entrepreneurship; the way to develop knowledge-based economy
Details on Holding the fourth National Festival of “Sea, Path of Progress”;
The national festival of Sea, Path of Progress will be held in three sections of school students, industry and university students.
The national festival of Sea, Path of Progress will be held in three sections of school students, industry and university students.
Occurred with the Support of the Soft and Identity-making Technologies Development Headquarter;
Shining of the technological documentary on Takht Soleiman Lake in international competitions
Shining of the technological documentary on Takht Soleiman Lake in international competitions
With the Support of the Cognitive Sciences and Technologies Development Headquarter;
Differences in brain waves of Iranians and Europeans are determined by the researchers of the country
Differences in brain waves of Iranians and Europeans are determined by the researchers of the country
Chairman of Iran National Space Administration:
Process of patent registration in the aviation field will be improved
Process of patent registration in the aviation field will be improved
Chairman of Iran National Space Administration:
Local design of satellite launchers in the country is essential
Local design of satellite launchers in the country is essential