We Should Conclude that the Youth Are the Main Capital Makers of the Country
  • May 7 2016 - 18:17
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  • Study time : 4 minute(s)
Sattari at the Cessation Ceremony of the Alhazen’s Light Prize:

We Should Conclude that the Youth Are the Main Capital Makers of the Country

We Should Conclude that the Youth Are the Main Capital Makers of the Country

According to the public relations and information center of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs, Soorena Sattari, the presidency vice president for science and technology affairs at the cessation ceremony of the Alhazen’s Light Prize by stating that we should review our mistakes with a relook at the past and understand where we went wrongly. A country with a thousand years background in generating science, innovation and entrepreneurship has been dependent to underground resources intensively in recent years.

Head of the National Elites Foundation asserted: We made a mistake once we thought that our assets are in our pockets as our basic asset is in our minds rather than in our pockets and underground resources. It is the innovation and creativity that brings progress.

Mentioning the over than 30 million young human power and over than 5 academic students as the country’s future makers, he said: Selling oil and gas for running the country is not art and if we don’t turn the movement’s path to attending youth as the most main capital of the country, there will be no success and progress.

The presidency vice president for science and technology affairs stated that the creative economy was a modern economic approach for progress of the countries including ours and said: The issue of creative economy as the base of the knowledge-based economy and wealth maker of the country will be defined by relying on the youth’s innovation and the government has put the realization of the economy on its agenda seriously.

Emphasizing on this issue that realization of knowledge-based economy required the investor’s belief in the science and technology’s profitability, he said: We will be successful once the investor understands that investing in science, technology and innovation is more profitable than currency, building and middlemanship and the private sector should turn to the knowledge-based economy instead of attending false markets.

Sattari said that the activity of over than 2000 knowledge-based companies was the messenger of fertility and efflorescence of country’s youth’s ideas and added: It is happy that youth are active in their own knowledge-based companies and fertilize the innovative ideas they have in their minds.

The presidency vice president for science and technology affairs, stated that the winners were those who had nothing in their pockets but relied on their creativity and innovation and added: The emergence of current huge and million dollars companies with little capitals and without considerable physical properties shows that relying on knowledge, creativity and innovation has always been a solution and the successful companies formed based on this belief are not a few.

Head of the Knowledge-based science, technology and economy development headquarter mentioned the vast cooperation of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs and the National Elites Foundation with the ministry of education on culture making and propagation and said:  Fortunately, a good interaction has been formed with the ministry of education which we can witness it in holding student olympiads, the Shahab project and student research centers as we consider students specially and try to prepare them for moving in the knowledge-based economy path by rectifying  wrong mental presets and nurturing innovation and creativity from these ages.

In the following of this ceremony, Ali Asghar Fani- minister of education- mentioned that self-esteem was the most important achievement of the Alhazen’s Light competition and said: Alhazen’s achievements in approximately 1000 years ago by using elementary tools and his activities’ gifts for us indicates his greatness. About 10000 students took part in this competition and tried to create these works by using elementary tools.

At the final part of this ceremony, 6 student research centers and superior guys of each province were appreciated in representativeness of 200 teams from all around the country with presence of Soorena Sattari, the presidency vice president for science and technology affairs, Ali Asghar Fani- minister of education, Mahdi Saffari Nia-head of the Pardis Technology Park of the presidency vice president for science and technology affairs, Hojatoleslam Valmoslemin Ezheie and Parviz Karami- president of the knowledge-based science, technology and economy culture development headquarter.


It should be reminded that the Alhazen’s Light competition was held by the effort of the Pardis Technology Park of the presidency vice president for science and technology affairs and the tech-teacher institute by the knowledge-based science, technology and economy culture development headquarter’s support.

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