The private and public sectors produce a product from a research through constructive interactions.
  • Oct 2 2019 - 15:35
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  • Study time : 2 minute(s)
Sattari on Visit of Technological Abilities of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Research Center:

The private and public sectors produce a product from a research through constructive interactions.

The private and public sectors produce a product from a research through constructive interactions.


Emphasizing the provision of the necessary infrastructures by the Vice-Presidency to develop research and technological work, the vice president for science and technology explained about the presence of the private sector as a facilitator, stating: the private sector must supply a part of research expenditures and have the incentive to continue the research work and development of products.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari, visited the chemistry and chemical engineering research center and achievements of technologists in growth center of technological units in the research center and marked: the Vice-Presidency has aimed to produce products that can be commercialized. In this regard, research centers have been formed to solve society’s problems via presenting a creative and new product or service.

Sattari talked about the support of pharmaceutical products inside the country, marking: serious support programs have been defined in the drug field. It is planned to produce all pharmaceutical products inside the country with the help of knowledge-based companies and startups.

Sattari announced the complete support of acceleration and growth of innovative ideas in the form of growth centers, stating: a product will be supported up to the production and commercialization stages if the research project has specific customers in the market. However, the government plays the role of an accelerator in turning an idea or research into a product.

Emphasizing the necessity of supporting Iranian products and innovation ecosystem activists, the president for knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter, Sattari expressed: relying on several years of oil-related incomes and purchasing imported products have made our culture into a raw-material purchasing and importin culture. However, we must change our culture since there is no need for graduated individuals and their innovations in an oil-based economy.

Sattari visited the innovative and technological achievements showcased in “exhibition of abilities and achievements of chemistry and chemical engineering research center”.

Sattari also visited the polymer and petrochemical research center of Iran, and it was decided to lay the groundwork for accelerating innovative ideas. More than 50 technology cores deployed at this growth center are active in the fields of polymer science and engineering, biopolymer, chemical science and drug engineering.

One of the main goals of the center is nurturing and supporting new creativities and graduates of various technical and engineering fields, especially in the field of polymer, drugs and chemistry.

It is planned to open a production line for printing products and a production line for skin healthcare knowledge-based products.

In addition, a consortium consisting of Carbon Gas Company an executor, Shahr-e-Kord Carbon Gas Company as the exploiter, and polymer and petrochemical research institute as a cooperating center and the location of implementation has been formed with the support of the Vice-Presidency to produce the technical knowledge and product of CO2 gas separation using membrane contact technology.

On the second part of visits, Sattari visited the water, environment and energy technology center (AMA) to visit the latest achievements of based activists of the center and talk to these individuals.


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