The chairman of Iran national space and advanced transportation administration was appointed
  • Nov 5 2018 - 14:37
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  • Study time : 1 minute(s)
By the Order of the Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs;

The chairman of Iran national space and advanced transportation administration was appointed

The chairman of Iran national space and advanced transportation administration was appointed


By the order of the vice president for science and technology affairs, Manouchehr Manteghi was appointed as the chairman of Iran national space and advanced transportation administration.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, by the order of the vice president for science and technology affairs, Manouchehr Manteghi was appointed as the chairman of Iran national space and advanced transportation administration. In addition, Sattari appreciated the efforts of Mohammad Saeed Seyf, the secretary of marine knowledge-based industries and technologies development headquarter.

In this order, we read: “it is expected that with the help of God and within the framework of the determined responsibilities emerged due to the integration of sections related to the technology of national space administration and the marine knowledge-based industries and the national space administration, we are able to employ national and metaorganizational approaches with comprehensive benchmarking of the technology development leadership missions and attracting staff and legal personnel and paying attention to the domestic demands and benefits and using the beneficial national and international achievements to increase synergy in activities related to advanced transportation in various sections, such as road, rail, sea, and air transport. This integration will be carried out with the help of spatial technologies and all relevant fields, including electronic devices, airport equipment manufacturing, road-making equipment, wharf, and port equipment and interactions will be made with the relevant executive organizations at the country level and with direct cooperation of the strategic technologies development center.

Hereby, we appreciate the efforts of Mohammad Saeed Seyf, the secretary of marine knowledge-based industries and technology development headquarter, during his appointment. It is hoped that his abilities and the capacities created in the marine headquarter be properly exploited in the new headquarter.


  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 39419


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