The Possibility of Using the Capacity of Iranian and Foreign Companies in Oil and Gas to Be Created by the Private Sector
  • May 8 2016 - 17:14
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  • Study time : 2 minute(s)
Member of the Oil, Gas and Coal Industry’s Technology and Innovation Development Headquarter of the Vice Presidency for Science Affairs:

The Possibility of Using the Capacity of Iranian and Foreign Companies in Oil and Gas to Be Created by the Private Sector

The Possibility of Using the Capacity of Iranian and Foreign Companies in Oil and Gas to Be Created by the Private Sector

According to the public relations and information center of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs, Masoud Marvi –head of the supporting the technology development plans task force of the oil, gas and coal industry’s technology and innovation development headquarter said while visiting the 21st exhibition of oil, gas, refinement and petrochemical: The headquarter intends to prepare the possibility for Iranian companies especially the private sector’s formations to become able to introduce their capabilities and also prepare such a possibility in order to utilize the capacity of foreign companies along holding this exhibition.

Head of the supporting the technology development plans task force said that holding this exhibition was a good opportunity for providing the capability of Iranian companies.

In the following, Marvi mentioned the signed memorandum in the margin of this exhibition between the society of Iranian Petroleum industry’s equipment manufacturers and the Italian Association of Valves and stated: The oil, gas and coal industry’s technology and innovation development headquarter is acting as the main backrest of knowledge-based companies toward supporting domestic knowledge-based companies in the path of developing the technology in association with the society of Iranian petroleum industry’s equipment manufacturers.

He added in the following: At the 21st exhibition of oil, gas, refinement and petrochemical, this society will attempt to produce the required equipments for the oil industry of the country in this field by signing a cooperation memorandum with the Italian Association of Valves.

Saeed Ahangaran- president of the society of Iranian Petroleum industry’s equipment manufacturers- mentioned the memorandum signing with the Italian Association of Valves and stated: This memorandum is for accessing to world modern technologies in manufacturing valves used in petroleum industry which was signed between the society of Iranian Petroleum industry’s equipment manufacturers and Italian companies active in manufacturing valves.

Mentioning that signing a memorandum with foreign companies would lead to technology transfer, Ahangaran stated: For some of the basic goods required in the petroleum industry we need connection in the petroleum industry internationally which the cooperation memorandum was signed with the Italian petroleum society so that we can produce the petroleum industry’s equipments inside the country together.

President of the society of Iranian Petroleum industry’s equipment manufacturers said that more identification of foreign companies in the 21st exhibition of oil, gas, refinement and petrochemical was the most important aim of holding this exhibition.


Based on this report, the 21st exhibition of oil, gas, refinement and petrochemical will be held in 4 days to Sunday (May 8th) at Tehran international exhibition.

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  • News code : 14666


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