Sattari path students enter field knowledge-based smooth
  • Oct 4 2020 - 15:01
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  • Study time : 4 minute(s)

Sattari: The path for students to enter the field of knowledge-based is smooth

Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology, in the online meeting with the Ministry of Education on the Shad software platform, which was held in the presence of Mohsen Haji Mirzaei, Minister of Education, and a group of education managers, Said about the innovations and the realization of sustainable scientific and technological development.

The Vice President of Science and Technology, pointing out that the environment conducive to the entry of talented students into the field of knowledge-based is being laid, continued: "We are ready to pave the way for guiding and nurturing talents and entering the path of value creation and technological entrepreneurship on the basis of effective interaction with the Ministry of Education.”

Sattari pointed to the support of the Deputy Minister of Science and Technology for the entry of “Made in Iran” equipment into education and added: "According to the memorandum made last year, all products and equipment will be purchased from the Mad in Iran exhibition by the affiliated units of the Ministry of Education is accompanied with 50% support by The Vice-Presidency. While trying to guide the talents of students in the path of innovation, we try to equip these collections with the products of Iranian-based scholars on the basis of schools, research institutes and conservatories.

Referring to the capacity of knowledge-based companies in supplying laboratory equipment to the country, the Vice President of Science and Technology said: “These companies have now reached a level of capability that produces more than 70% of the laboratory equipment required by the country with the same quality as foreign samples and while preventing the outflow of foreign exchange, meets the needs of research and technology.”

The head of the National Elites Foundation, referring to the support of top talents in the framework of the SAMPAD schools project as a necessity, added: The SAMPAD project can be useful in nurturing elites who will remain in history as in the past and provide a way for top talents to enter the field of innovation and knowledge creation. We take all necessary steps to identify and nurture scientific and technological talent in the National Elite Foundation and the Vice President for Science and Technology.

Sattari continued by stating that we are ready to interact with the educational structure of the country, to pave the way for talents to enter the path of value creation and scientific development of the country: Student research provides the ground for familiarizing the student community with the field of technology and innovation and their entry into the path of knowledge-based.

Emphasizing that the society's approach to the concept of development should be transformed from the focus of infrastructure to the focus of manpower and finally culture, the Vice President added: "Until recent years, factories, huge infrastructure and abundant underground resources should be considered as development."

The head of the culture-building staff of the knowledge-based economy continued by stating that a serious change should be made in the approach and goals of the country's education towards directing talents to the path of creating technology:

The country spends a lot of money on education and this field is one of the bases of the country's budget, but we have a long way to go to create and create sustainable people in the fields of science, technology and lead the country to development.

The head of the culture and knowledge-based economy headquarters continued by stating that a serious change should be made in the approach and goals of the country's education towards directing talents to the path of creating technology: The country spends a lot of money on education and this field is one of the bases of the country's budget, but we have a long way to go to create and create sustainable people in the fields of science, technology and lead the country to development.

The head of the National Elite Foundation, stating that fortunately the transformation has been achieved in our country's universities, added: Knowledge-based companies that have emerged from the heart of universities have shown society that manpower is the main source and factor of change.

In another part of the meeting, the Minister of Education, referring to the important and influential role of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology in nurturing student talents in the context of student research, said: The formation of student research institutes has been effective in promoting the culture of innovation and technology among students, and the number of these research institutes has now increased to 665. The interaction between the Ministry of Education and the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology is a step towards the development of advanced technologies and the promotion of a culture of innovation and creativity among students.

In this meeting, the education managers of the provinces of West Azerbaijan, Alborz and Khorasan Razavi presented reports on their achievements in the field of education and creating the conditions for the emergence of technological talents.

Report by the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 70346

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