Iran’s rank in the field of science development of renewable energies will become single-digit.
  • Jul 12 2017 - 14:05
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  • Study time : 2 minute(s)
Expressed in the Meeting of Innovative, Entrepreneurial and Knowledge-based Companies in the Area of Renewable Energy;

Iran’s rank in the field of science development of renewable energies will become single-digit.

Iran’s rank in the field of science development of renewable energies will become single-digit.

In this year and by implementing the scientific achievement program, acceleration of Irans scientific movement in the field of renewable energy has increased. We aimed for the rank of Iran to become single-digit over the next five years.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the headquarter of renewable energy technology development held the first meeting of innovative, entrepreneurial and knowledge-based companies of this area. This meeting was attended by Siroos Vatankhah, the secretary of the headquarter of renewable energy technology development, and Seyed Mohammad Sahebkar Khorasani, head of affairs of knowledge-based companies and institutes of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs.

In the beginning of the meeting, head of affairs of knowledge-based companies and institutes expressed: the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs is implementing a series of various measures as its supportive program for knowledge-based companies so that the most powerful technology companies are selected and supported to be properly developed. In addition, improvement and increase of technological abilities of these companies have been on the agenda of the headquarter. In this regard, evaluation of knowledge-based companies is essential, for which the workgroup for evaluation of knowledge-based companies has been carried out.

Furthermore, Siroos Vatankhah Moghadam, secretary of the headquarter of renewable energy technology development talked about the true potential of Iran in the area of renewable energies.

Improved Ranking of Iran in the area of Renewable Energies

In the next part of his section, Vatankhah explained about the missions of the headquarter: accelerating the development of science, technology and innovation ecosystem in the area of renewable energies is vital, achievement of which will occur through the cooperation of activists of this area, specially knowledge-based companies. In this regard, support of obtaining scientific validity of the country and creating the national strategic infrastructures in specific fields have been some of the missions of the headquarter. In addition, we hope to accelerate the scientific movement of this field with the cooperation of research and science centers of the country and working toward the improvement of ranking of Iran in order to become single-digit over the next five years. Currently, rankings of 14 and 19 have been allocated to various scientific resources of the world.

Some of the other missions of the headquarter explained by its secretary include the facilitating the international cooperation and exchanges, promoting the existing industry technologies and developing the market for knowledge-based products.


According to Vatankhah, the focal point for development of renewable technologies is focus on main technologies that will evolve the integrated technologies in the future. To achieve this goal, there is a need to interorganizational support and cooperation in addition to financial supports.

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  • News code : 25327


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