Governments’ mission in creating the business environment and supporting the science borders studies
  • Feb 25 2017 - 16:21
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  • Study time : 3 minute(s)
Sattari Explained in the Third Meeting of Iran Scientific Elites:

Governments’ mission in creating the business environment and supporting the science borders studies

Governments’ mission in creating the business environment and supporting the science borders studies

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari, vice president for science and technology affairs, presented the society and officials’ consideration as the source of moving toward the creation of the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, expressing: the society view of knowledge-based economy has become more serious and by moving toward the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem the landmark role of research as a matter which is not luxury and ceremonial but also can help to solve entrepreneurship society problems and create added value, has found its place in public belief.

Sattari mentioned that innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem is the most important field of research in knowledge-based economy.

According to the statement of the vice president for science and technology affairs, creating an ecosystem, which can provide growth and development, requires an appropriate cultural condition and only in this way growth and development can appear in all parts of the society.

Sattari also recognized the pass from resource-based economy to the technology-based economy to be the changing of the point of view about research functions.

The vice president for science and technology affairs introduced the role of governments in facilitating the creation of business and environment and also investing in commercialization the technology with participation of private departments and supporting the border-science studies as the government mission, stating: solving the problems of business environment and eliminating the obstacles need governments’ role-playing and by culture making and preparing the space, we should prepare the environment for private departments’ role-playing. As the role of private departments has been outstanding in the studies of border extension base, we should move forward this path.

The chairman of national elites foundation noted the 20 times increment of educational prizes of this foundation and mentioned the support of PhD and postdoctoral collegians in order to maintain and benefit from the educated human sources capabilities of our country, asserting: the advocacy of national elites foundation with technology and researchers fund of country in the form of different plans and creating the circumstance for returning on average more than one Iranian elite individual to their country is valuable in order to promote the necessity of introducing our country with its huge human sources and putting effort to increase this wealth.

In this meeting, Saeid Sarkar, secretary of Nanotechnology development headquarters, pointed out the return of more than 500 Iranian scientific elites to country, conveying: more than 100 of these elites have returned to our country from premier universities and science centers of the world. According to new regulations in national elites’ foundation, those professors who provide the returning circumstances of postdoctoral educated Iranians would be supported.

He mentioned the attendance of 101 individuals in the elites’ classification of the country.

During this meeting, the elite researchers of our country discussed their concerns and requests with the vice president for science and technology affairs, the most important parts of which included conversations about the necessity of paying attention to the postdoctoral researchers, the important role of science and technology deputy in creating appropriate research infrastructure, organizing national laboratories and making enough mobility in the center of universities in order to move in the path of science development in the country.


In the following of Iranian scientific elites third meeting with the attendance of vice president for science and technology affairs, the deputy for technology development of the scientific and technological department, Saeid Sarkar, secretary of nanotechnology development headquarters, Esmaeilpour from Shahid Rajaei teacher training university, Babak Karimi from science and higher education university of Zanjan and Yunesian from medical university of Tehran were appreciated as three premier scientific elites of our country.

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  • News code : 22513


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