Founding Comprehensive Centers of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine to Get Started in Three Poles of the Country
  • Nov 26 2016 - 15:37
  • 131
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)
Secretary of the Stem Cells Sciences and Technologies Development Headquarter of Vice Presidency for Science Affairs:

Founding Comprehensive Centers of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine to Get Started in Three Poles of the Country

Founding Comprehensive Centers of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine to Get Started in Three Poles of the Country

According to the public relations and information center of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs, at the meeting of the knowledge-based companies task force of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Amir Ali Hamidieh- secretary of the stem cells sciences and technologies development headquarter of the vice presidency for science affairs mentioned that research facilities in the field of stem cells studies used to be concentrated mostly in Tehran up to few years ago and said: Concentration of stem cells studies in Tehran was a reason that researchers from around the country weren’t able to utilize special facilities of this field to advance their research goals. Hence, it was set, with the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs’ support, to found a comprehensive center with the title of “Comprehensive Centers of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine” in the form of three poles of the country including North (Tabriz University of Medical Sciences), Central (Tehran University of Medical Sciences), and South (Shiraz University of Medical Sciences) so that the deconcentrationalization process commence.


Based on this report, at the end of the meeting of the knowledge-based companies’ task force of Tehran University of Medical Sciences at the comprehensive laboratory of research of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, members present at the meeting stated their opinion and asked their questions which Dr. Hamidieh and Dr. Shoa Hassani answered them.

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  • News code : 19608


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