Dehghani Firouzabadi: The innovation system is strengthened by using the human resources of Academic Jihad
  • Nov 8 2022 - 13:01
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Dehghani Firouzabadi: The innovation system is strengthened by using the human resources of Academic Jihad

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy believes that Academic Jihad can be the driving force of the innovation system in the country.

Ruhollah Dehghani Firouzabadi, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, at the meeting of the Academic Jihad Board; considered capable human resources to be the most valuable asset of the institution and said: Contrary to the imagination of some government managers; Buildings and equipment are not capital and tools of development, but the most important and valuable capital of any institution is the capable human force.

He added: Academic Jihad is also one of the groups that has this powerful and valuable force. We must pay attention to the fact that the experience and human power are more valuable than the building and their intellectual, scientific and spiritual abilities are the best capital of the organization.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, pointing out that the mechanism of university jihad is one of the most optimal management mechanisms in the country, said: This institution can be the driving engine of the innovation system in the country.


Achieving great achievements with little facilities

Dehghani Firouzabadi continued: I was present in this institution for 5 months and in this short period I met energetic and capable jihadi people who have great capacities to carry out activities needed by the society.


He stated that I mentioned this issue at the anniversary ceremony of Jihad University to the President and added: In that meeting, I emphasized that in the governmental and semi-governmental bodies, we know very few institutions that have been able to achieve great achievements with little facilities and expectations like Academic Jihad.

The former head ofAcademic Jihad, said that the supreme leader's attention towards this institution has also spoken: The leader of the revolution, in the meeting of the elites two weeks ago, when they wanted to point out the achievements of the country, in the first example, they mentioned the late jihadist Kazemi Ashtiani and continued to emphasize that these achievements are continuing in Royan Research Institute.

He stated that the Royan Complex is one of the successful Academic Jihad Complexes that has been enhanced by the attention of the Revolutionary Leader, and said: in other fields of medicine, engineering, etc.; Academic Jihad has centers that, if not the same size, are no less than Royan Research Institute.

According to Dehghani Firouzabadi,Academic Jihad has one of the most optimal management mechanisms in the country. Jihad has tried to have the merits of both private and public systems and avoid the disadvantages of both, in a way, Academic Jihad is a solution between the private and public systems, which is designed very artistically.


The serious support by the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy for Academic Jihad

He stated that we are seriously pursuing this issue in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy to support the Academic Jihad, and continued: successful models with the Academic Jihad model should be multiplied and this capacity is at the disposal of the president of the Academic Jihad to take advantage of the opportunity. .

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy continued to consider the other capacity of this institution as the facilities and equipment that have been created in this complex within 42 years with the efforts of managers and university members with different tastes and stated: However, due to the dispersion of some of these equipments and facilities are not required to be used in some cases.

Stating that the president of Academic Jihad has good authority to implement his plans and programs, he said: Another wealth of this institution is its organization and organizational nature, and I hope that in the new management of affairs, it will be followed on the basis of collective wisdom and the tastes of all Jihadists.

At the end of his speech, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, referring to the interest of university jihadists in the leadership, revolution and progress of the country, said: "They show this interest not in their words, but in their performance as well."

Dehghani Firouzabadi, referring to his actions during his time at Academic Jihad, said: With the studies conducted by institutions like Academic Jihad in other countries, we designed and compiled the document " Academic Jihad, the driving engine of the national innovation system", the first version of which is presented to the head of the institution.

He also said: Today, the country needs a national innovation system, and the work of the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy is to implement the innovation system in all parts of the country, and university jihad can also be the driving force of the system.

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