Cooperation Will Increase with Improving Convergent Technologies
  • Mar 14 2020 - 13:57
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Cooperation Will Increase with Improving Convergent Technologies

Cooperation Will Increase with Improving Convergent Technologies


The convergent strategic technologies center has come into agreement with convergent complexes in Sharif and Tehran universities, Simdex accelerator, Motamed Cancer Research Institute and magnetic advanced materials research center of University of Tehran to develop convergent products and technologies.

Integrating different areas of technology to accomplish common tasks is called technological convergence. The modern era has been called technological convergence. Converging Technologies points to the Synergistic combination of the four major areas of nanoscience, biology, information and cognitive science and technology, each of which is currently advancing at a rapid pace. Accordingly, the convergent strategic technologies center has attempted to expand activities in the field.

Developing products with research centers related to convergent technologies is one of the measures taken by the center. In line with support programs designed to develop convergent business development in addition to programs focusing on convergent points and novice convergent program are followed up as well. The center is actively cooperating with organizations focusing on convergent technologies and products to commercialize their products.

In addition, the convergent center will first screen these products and technologies in terms of convergence, followed by assessing products and technologies based on level of technological preparedness and level of market readiness, designing and implementing a separate solution for each case. 

On this path, products that have a technology below five can benefit from the support provided in this field provided that there are customers for the products. On the other hand, products with a technology level above five and below seven will be introduced to investors and will benefit from working capital support in case of having potential customers.

Of course, given the need of all academic groups for commercialization and business development training, most groups (if they want to set up a business) enter pre-acceleration programs, and in addition to assessing and validating their product from a market and production standpoint, a business plan is prepared to offer to investors.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 49987


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