Activity of 388 knowledge-based companies in the area of advanced materials and manufacturing
  • Oct 9 2018 - 12:00
  • 234
  • Study time : 2 minute(s)
Shokrieh Expressed:

Activity of 388 knowledge-based companies in the area of advanced materials and manufacturing

Activity of 388 knowledge-based companies in the area of advanced materials and manufacturing


Secretary of advanced materials and manufacturing technologies development headquarter stated: 388 knowledge-based companies (11% of the total knowledge-based companies) are active in the area of “advanced materials and products based on chemical technologies”.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Mahmoud Mehrdad Shokrieh, secretary of advanced materials and manufacturing technologies development headquarter, expressed about the activity of knowledge-based companies in the area of advanced materials and manufacturing: based on the output of activities of the working group for evaluation and verification of knowledge-based companies and institutes in October of this year, there are 3,526 knowledge-based companies in the whole country in nine technology fields. These companies are divided into four types of newly developed type 1 (1193 companies), newly developed type 2 (350 companies), production knowledge-based type 1 (695 companies) and production knowledge-based type 2 (industrial) (1298 companies).

Regarding the area of advanced materials and manufacturing, Shokrieh affirmed: this is an interdisciplinary topic, in a way that it is related to all nine technology fields. However, the majority of companies of this field are from the second type with the title of “advanced materials and products based on chemical technologies”. In total, 388 knowledge-based companies (11% of all knowledge-based companies) are in this category. In addition, 152 companies are newly developed type 1, whereas 117, 82, and 37 companies are in groups of type 2, and production type 1 and 2, respectively. Moreover, there are 136 companies in Tehran, 69 in Isfahan and 22 in South Khorasan, ranked from one to three.

Secretary of advanced materials and manufacturing technologies development headquarter continued: however, it seems that there is a higher number of companies in this field due to overlapping with other categories. For instance, an active company in the field of medical compounds might be considered in the category of biotechnologies as well. However, the basic ability of such a company is in the area of materials and its application is in the field of biology. Therefore, it is better to solve the challenges of these companies instead of relying on exact numbers.


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  • News code : 38477


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