Advisor on Women Affairs at Vice-presidency for Science and Technology Affairs:
The Islamic republic of Iran has had a successful performance regarding the contribution of women to knowledge-based economy.
The Islamic republic of Iran has had a successful performance regarding the contribution of women to knowledge-based economy.
50 Innovative Startups of the Event Have Announced Their Preparedness to Accompany “New Companies in the Field of Convergent Technologies”
50 Innovative Startups of the Event Have Announced Their Preparedness to Accompany “New Companies in the Field of Convergent Technologies”
10 Priorities of Water Supply Technological Projects Are Determined
10 Priorities of Water Supply Technological Projects Are Determined
The seedling of development must be empowered based on the culture of the society
The seedling of development must be empowered based on the culture of the society
Endogenous development comes from the heart of the province
Endogenous development comes from the heart of the province
In Line with the Travel of the Government Delegation to Hormozgan Province;
The innovation tower of Hormozgan will host the vice president for science and technology affairs
The innovation tower of Hormozgan will host the vice president for science and technology affairs
By signing a Cooperation Agreement;
Support of scientific experts in the field of Persian Literature will be accelerated
Support of scientific experts in the field of Persian Literature will be accelerated
Chairman of Space Technologies and Advanced Transportation Administration:
Iranian drones with national brands will fly
Iranian drones with national brands will fly
Sattari on the Closing Ceremony of the 11th Web & Mobile Festival of Iran:
The Supreme Leader and the society have hope in the creative youth and innovation ecosystem.
The Supreme Leader and the society have hope in the creative youth and innovation ecosystem.
Advisor to the Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs:
Book of “40 Years of Science, Technology and Innovation” is presented to the community
Book of “40 Years of Science, Technology and Innovation” is presented to the community