During the Trip of Sorena Sattari to Mashhad;
The urgent need of dialysis patients will be met with “Iranian” knowledge-based companies
The urgent need of dialysis patients will be met with “Iranian” knowledge-based companies
In the Presence of Sorena Sattari in Mashhad;
Khayam Innovation Ecosystem is opened
Khayam Innovation Ecosystem is opened
Sattari on Meeting Knowledge-based Companies in Mashhad;
“Coronavirus” will be defeated with the efforts of the innovation ecosystem
“Coronavirus” will be defeated with the efforts of the innovation ecosystem
Practicality of Academic Theses
Practicality of Academic Theses
Signing a memorandum of understanding between the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs and Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation
The ceremony to sign a memorandum of understanding between the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs and Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation
The exhibition of Iranian technical and engineering abilities with a focus on production leap
Knowledge-based and technological companies attending the exhibition of Iranian technical and engineering abilities with a focus on production leap presented their latest achievements to Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs
During the Visit of Production Boost Exhibition by Sattari;
Knowledge-based companies will deal with sanctions
Knowledge-based companies will deal with sanctions
The Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs;
The capacity of the technology and innovation client relief committee is identified
The capacity of the technology and innovation client relief committee is identified
A Commercial and Technological Delegation Will Be Sent to Afghanistan
A Commercial and Technological Delegation Will Be Sent to Afghanistan
In the Presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs;
Remote rehabilitation technologies development center is opened
Remote rehabilitation technologies development center is opened