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The private sector generates a new generation of science and technology parks

The private sector generates a new generation of science and technology parks

According to the vice president for science and technology affairs, the new generation of science and technology parks is being managed privately in the new ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation, and the government has prepared the necessary infrastructures without mediation.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, attended the administrative council meeting of the province in the second part of his travel to Qom. This meeting was attended by Sarmast, governor of Qom, Ahmad Amirabadi, the representative of Qom in the Islamic Consultative Assembly, Seyed Hossein Akhavan, head of science and technology park, Mohammad Mohammad Rezai, head of the elites foundation of Qom, and a number of academics and authorities, who expressed the necessity of cooperation for development of the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem.

Infinite “Science and Technology”

Sattari pointed out that in the concept of the ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation, the transformation is not limited to a specific space and time. In this regard, he expressed: innovation in this ecosystem brings a new transformation to society, and people are always exposed to learning. In this space, startups are created by creative young people and entrepreneurs open a new window to their citizens.

He added: in this new sense, the technology park is not limited to a specific geographical range, and startups receive the services they need from every part of the city. The private sector will be the main player in these parks, and the state will provide the infrastructure needed to expand the carpet for innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem under the feet of educated and innovative people.

According to the vice president for science and technology affairs, in the new ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation, the private sector is the leader of science and technology parks, and the state provides the necessary infrastructure. These parks serve startups with no geographical restrictions.

New “Knowledge-based” in Need of Culture

The vice president for science and technology affairs regarded the knowledge-based economy a new phenomenon needed to be recognized by the society. In this respect, he added: to thrive the dynamism of this new phenomenon, we need to create the necessary platforms, because we need to be in this direction to add value and to prevent the sale of raw materials.

The president of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter regarded determination and support in the integrated support of knowledge-based companies and startups as the capital of the way to this ecosystem, continuing: in order to maintain the young and creative workforce of the country, the public"s belief in the need to preserve them and create a business environment will be worthwhile.

Transformation of View toward “Research”

Sattari pointed out the importance of transforming the attitude toward research and innovation as a vital requirement and continued: we need a favorable ecosystem to develop the knowledge-based economy. This ecosystem with the serious determination of all, including universities, is an integral part of the society to support and guide educated young people and help them establish their innovative businesses.

Sattari remarked the transformation in the view toward the research as an important component of the economic transformation, saying that looking at the research should be transformed by creating a new ecosystem. In the new attitude, research is not costly and is a catalyst for society. The government creates the infrastructures and private sector invests in research. If the private sector investor"s opportunity was paved for research, we can see that research is a new development in society and in the economy.

Visit of Growth Centers of Technology Units of Qom

The vice president for science and technology affairs visited the innovation growth center of Qom and was familiarized with the latest innovative ideas being developed in this center. During 11 years of activity of this growth center, 56 innovative units have been established and were able to create their own business. In addition, more than 11 technology cores have been located in this growth center in various fields, such as information and communication technology, startups in the field of human resources. 

 Presence of the vice president for science and technology affairs in the Al-Mustafa International University

In another part of this travel, Sattari went to the Al-Mustafa International University and learned about the human resource and Hawza achievements of this center. In addition, he met with Hojatoleslam Ali Abbasi.

The vice president for science and technology affairs expressing during the meeting: the country is on the path of improvement of innovation, and the capacities of the humanities and religions, especially the Al-Mustafa International University, can be on the path to innovation and creation of added value.

The president of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter pointed out the role of the Al-Mustafa International University in exploiting the humanities capacity in the international level.

Referring to the ninth place of penetration of Persian language in cyberspace, Sattari regarded Iran capable of producing content and boosting the business of information and communication technology. He continued: the activities of innovation centers of the humanities field can create valuable concepts for the creation of knowledge-based foundations. The humanities are the main part of creative and knowledge-based businesses and can create value for the Hawza human resources of and the humanities.

Hawza Human Resources on the Innovation Path

Hojatoleslam Abbasi regarded 40 thousand graduates of the Al-Mustafa International University a valuable capacity for innovation and entrepreneurship, asserting: students from 132 nationalities in the world are educated in this center and its affiliated centers. In addition, more than 300,000 non-Iranians are introduced to Persian language, culture and literature. This scientific asset can evolve with particular attention to the capacities of this arena.

The president of the Al-Mustafa International University affirmed: long-term, short-term and virtual universities are the focus of this center.

Hojatoleslam Abbasi considered religious tourism and attention to the capacities of this field important as well.

  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 42186


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