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Dehghani visiting the first exhibition of technologies and products to remove deprivation:

The link between technology and knowledge-based innovation with the capacity of deprived areas

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy visited the exhibition of technologies and products to remove deprivation and talked with the activists and companies present in this event.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy, during his visit to the knowledge-based, technological and creative companies present at the first exhibition of technologies and products to remove deprivation, pointing out that the prosperity and progress of Iran is the most important mission and goal of the event "Abadiran National Program" continued: The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy has a complete evaluation for the ecosystem of technology and innovation, and a small part of knowledge-based and technological companies that have experience and capability in depriving themselves will present their achievements in the form of a technology exhibition. And they have offered deprivation-relieving products that were held under the national program of Abadiran.

Dehghani continued: There was a capacity in knowledge-based companies and some of these companies have discovered opportunities in deprived and less privileged areas and have developed technologies that can work very well in creating employment, development and creating added value. This number of companies were identified and among them 370 companies participated in the exhibition of technologies and products to remove deprivation. This exhibition, as the good informer of Abadiran's national program, provided an opportunity to introduce a small part of the capabilities of knowledge-based, technological and creative companies in depriving them, and to provide an opportunity to link these capabilities to the talents and capacities of the so-called deprived areas. Because I believe that these areas are not only deprived, but also have extraordinary capacities and capabilities in their hearts, which require attention for their functionalization and prosperity.

He stated that "paying attention to the human and territorial talents of the less privileged regions" is one of the central points in the national program of Abadiran, and continued: in the Vice-Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, after numerous reviews and meetings, we came to the conclusion that if a program If there is a national government, it can discover the untapped capacities of deprived areas in terms of human resources and territorial capacities and provide them to knowledge-based, technological and creative companies, while providing an opportunity for the connection between technology and innovation of companies with these untapped and potential capacities. In the shadow of a favorable and effective synergy, we will definitely witness a transformation in meeting the needs of deprived areas and the prosperity of the mentioned businesses.

The head of the National Elites Foundation considered the design of Abadiran's national program in the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy and the cooperation of various institutions and public sectors as the turning point of this event and said: the most important mission of this program is to create a connection between elites, knowledge-based companies, technologists and creatives. It is compatible and constructive with the mass of people in all parts of the country in terms of communication and interaction.

Dehghani stated: The gathering of companies, related and influential organizations, jihadi groups and people under the roof of this exhibition shows the serious determination of various sectors to remove deprivation and create prosperity in vulnerable and of course less privileged areas, with the help of technology, innovation and it is creativity. Some of these companies operate in different fields, but the connection point of all these companies is the attention and experience of working in deprived areas. This program showed a good horizon and perspective of what we can and should do, and next year, the extent of market development in deprived areas, solving employment in these areas, and creating excitement and energy in the company of people should be evaluated.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy explained about the cancellation of the Abadiran national event: the national program of Abadiran is decorated with an Iranian and native name; The national program of Abadiran, which, of course, includes the most important wish and wish of every Iranian patriot, has chosen a local name worthy of Iran and Iranians to remind once again the importance of dear Iran.

Dehghani continued: Choosing this Iranian name is a sign of purposefulness, determination, will and strategy of the organizers of this national program, dear to the population of Iran. If we ask any Iranian who loves this country, whether he lives in Iran or abroad, to say a prayer, he will definitely whisper the call of Iran's prosperity and the prayer of Iran's prosperity. Our prayer is "May Iran prosper".

Dehghani considered the supporting role of the Vice-Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy as the duty of this Vice-Presidency towards the drivers of the country's economy, employment and prosperity and said: I believe that it is knowledge-based companies that provide real support and help to the country and the dignity of these companies is much higher than I need support and help. The work that the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy and other related institutions should do for these companies is to create work, facilitate and fulfill their duties towards these companies as drivers of the country's economy and movers towards development and excellence.

He added: Among all the tasks that the Vice-Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy has various tasks for these companies, he considers the market development of these companies to be the most important. We are determined to create a platform for sharing the capabilities of several companies with each other for knowledge-based, technological and creative companies that have reached a level of capability, in various matters of governance, politics, executive and carrying out facilitation measures such as the allocation of establishment space. Be responsive to each other's issues and needs, realize financial facilities, investment assistance, exemptions, support to reach a technology or innovation.

The Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy considered the integration of more than 28 different institutions, groups and organizations in the form of the Abadiran National Program as an attempt to provide facilities and opportunities to facilitate the work of knowledge-based, technological and creative companies in the direction of depriving them. He said: I have strongly requested my deputies to be present at this exhibition and each of them have a meeting and discussion with a certain number of companies present at the exhibition, so that in the end, while solving the problems and needs of the companies, the way to play a stronger role in solving the problems of deprived areas will be paved.

It should be noted that the Exhibition of Deprivation Technologies and Products (Abadiran) aims to help the development of deprived areas by introducing the capacities of knowledge-based, creative and technological companies to respond to challenges, create sustainable employment, develop the market and facilitate the purchase of goods and services of these companies for deprivation 13 to 15 June, 2023, from 9:00 to 17:00 at the mosque of Imam Khomeini (RA) is open to the public.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

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