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Today : Thursday Oct 17 2024
  • Jul 11 2016 - 18:22
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By Presidency Vice Presidency for Science and Technology Affairs’ Support;

The International Conference in Marketing in Knowledge-Based Industries Was Held

The International Conference in Marketing in Knowledge-Based Industries Was Held

According to the public relations and information center of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs, the international conference on marketing in knowledge-based industries was held on July 10th with the aim of transferring modern knowledge of marketing to knowledge-based companies and propagating the necessity of market studies with support from the vice presidency of technology exchange and international affairs of the vice presidency for science affairs, the presidency innovation and technology cooperations center and in association with the European Market Research Society by the Iranian marketing research association.

Ali Morteza Birang, the deputy of technology exchange and international affairs of the vice presidency for science affairs stated the long-term aims of the vice presidency for science and technology affairs in supporting market development and exporting knowledge-based products and mentioned the programs of the international business development office and creating the knowledge-based export hallway and supporting the creation of export commercial intermediates for knowledge-based products.

According to Birang, these helps are in fields like supplying advertising items, amending and upgrading companies’ website, supporting presence in B2B sale sites, supporting companies for getting international qualitative standards for their products, supporting design of engineering manufacturing of products, supporting presence of companies and commercial delegations in international professional exhibitions, supporting preparation of reports of studying foreign market and paying grant-in-aid of absorbing commercial expert force. These items were some items of the vice presidency for science affairs’ support for empowering knowledge-based companies to enter international markets.

Mentioning the vice presidency for science affairs’ support of creating 5 export bases in other countries with the aim of exporting Iranian goods and providing different types of consultations including legal, financial and commercial ones to companies applicant for export, he said: Supporting knowledge-based goods’ professional export management companies is another program that is being pursued at the vice presidency for science affairs seriously so that by aggregating knowledge-based products of one field, they get provided to export markets in the form of a unique brand.

Deputy of technology exchange and international affairs of the vice presidency for science affairs declared: In this vein, over than 6 export management companies in the fields of medical equipment, laboratorial equipment, advanced electronic equipment, instrumentation and optic and photonic equipment, herbal medicine and equipment related to aerial and space industries have been supported by the vice presidency for science affairs so far.


This conference was held with presence of more than 250 experts and managers of knowledge-based companies and was ended by holding 2 professional panels in field investigations in Iran and Business models and global networks and also familiarization and networking of participants in the conference and also the question and answer panel.

  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 16309


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