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The Achievements Show for creative companies and cultural industries; Karami: Completing the value chain in the field of creative economics creates made wealth and employment

The first exhibition of soft technologies and cultural industries in the National Park of soft technologies and cultural industries hosted the achievements of creative companies.

Parviz Karami, Head of Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy and Development of Soft and Creative Industries Headquarters, at the opening of the exhibition, which was held with the slogan "Towards a bright future", stressed the need to form a creative economy ecosystem and complete the value chain of soft and cultural industries. Islamic Iran and the deep and heritage background of the country in the creative and cultural industries, should flourish by creating a dynamic ecosystem for the creative youth of this field; A job that can bring significant opportunities for creative economy and occupation.
Karami, stating that culture and art are not costs and are investments and if they are guided and supported, they will be wealthy, continued: The development of knowledge-based and creative economy requires culture building and changing wrong approaches to that field, including incorrect beliefs about the field Soft and cultural industries are unnecessary or costly in this field, but the reality is that they are not only wealth-creating, but also protectors and promoters of our country's historical heritage and cultural identity, and can show our extraordinary cultural potential to the world.

Adviser to the Vice President of Science and Technology, referring to the move of the Knowledge-Based Economy Cultural Development Headquarters and the Development of Soft and Creative Industries of the Vice President for Science and Technology to support young and innovative activists in this field, continued: And we have done innovation in the country. We seek to strengthen and multiply creative houses in the provinces. The formation of these houses in different provinces forms the production chain of creative and cultural industries and, like innovation factories, paves the way for turning ideas into phenomena by supporting start-up businesses. They provide specialized accelerators and a private sector.

 The Head of Culture and Knowledge-Based Economy, and Creative and Soft Industries Headquarters, referring to the gathering of all elements of creative and cultural industries from artists to startups under the roof of creative houses, said: To form and develop the ecosystem of creative and cultural industries, all influential role makers in this field must From provincial decision-makers to artists and technology activists and investors. Jobs must move from a person-centered to a team and teamwork and creative company.
 At the end of the ceremony, the exhibition was inaugurated in the presence of Hojjatoleslam Ameli, Secretary of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, Taybi, Head of the University Jihad, Montazeri, Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Cultural Commission, and a group of artists.
Report by the Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,Communication & Information Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 72863

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