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Today : Wednesday Oct 16 2024
  • May 16 2016 - 16:18
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Asadi Fard Informed:

The 15 Superior Universities’ Faculties’ Benefit of Facilities of Laboratorial Services’ Discount

The 15 Superior Universities’ Faculties’ Benefit of Facilities of Laboratorial Services’ Discount

According to the public relations and information center of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs, Dr. Reza Asadi Fard- head of the laboratorial network of strategic technologies of presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs mentioned providing the new discount plan from this network for faculties of universities and said: This new plan has been designed and executed for faculties of 15 superior universities of the country and they can receive laboratorial services from the centers member of the laboratorial network of strategic technologies based on it.

Asadi Fard said about the universities involved in the discount plan special for faculties: Tehran university of medical sciences, Tehran university of technology, Sharif university, teacher training university, Ferdowsi university of Mashhad, Amir Kabir university of Technology, Isfahan university of technology, Iran university of science and technology, Shahid Beheshti university of medical sciences, Alzahra university, Shiraz university, Shahid Chamran university of Ahvaz, Shahid Beheshti university, Shahid Bahonar university of Kerman and Tabriz are in listed for the discount plan of the laboratorial network of strategic technologies of the vice presidency for science affairs.

Asadi Fard said: 40 million Rials credit per person has been considered for the faculties included in this project which provides the base for them to benefit from services of over than 300 centers member of the laboratorial network of strategic technologies of the vice presidency for science and technology affairs including private laboratories, universities and institutes from all over the country.

President of the 4th exhibition of laboratorial materials and equipment made in Iran said that the time of signing up in the estival discount plan of the laboratorial network of strategic technologies of the vice presidency for science affairs for faculties was May 14th to September 21st, 2016.


Asadi Fard mentioned at the end: The recalled faculties can receive their required services via providing their national identity card to each laboratory member of the network merely just by signing up on the website of the laboratorial network of strategic technologies of the vice presidency for science affairs with the address of www.labsnet.ir  by registering and entering their information and choosing the superior universities’ faculties’ facilities project and activating their account .

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  • News code : 14944


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