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It was brought up in the meeting of the council, the national document for the development of cultural and soft technologies

Necessity of obtaining 20 billion dollars from the global market of creative industries by Iran

The meeting of the Council of the National Document for the Development of Cultural and Soft Technologies was held with the presence of the vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy, the secretary for the development of soft technologies and creative industries headquarters, and a group of members of this council.

According to the communication and information center in the vice presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, Ruhollah Dehghani, vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy in the Council for the Development of Cultural and Soft Technologies, pointing out that the approach of the vice-presidency of science for the field of creative and cultural technologies is a headquarters and coordinating approach, added: the structure of the vice-presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy is based in three areas of science, technology and knowledge-based economy with the approach of expanding innovation It helps to form new streams of innovation in the country.

Stating that social innovations were formed with the aim of filling the economic, cultural and social gaps caused by technological innovations, he continued: The gaps created by technological innovations in the society were very deep and this challenge of how to link innovation and technology with society and people provided the basis for the formation of the concept of social innovations. In social innovations, the wing of innovation and creativity is more prominent than the wing of technology, and accordingly, the gaps in society are filled with the help of social innovations by making people play a role in the economy.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy said: The vice presidency of science pays attention to inclusive and popular innovation with an integrated approach and pays attention to the field of social innovations in such a way that the role of people in the field of technology and knowledge becomes prominent.

Dehghani pointed out that creative companies and soft and cultural technologies become the basis for linking the knowledge-based economy with the context of society and continued: Knowledge-based companies are companies in which the technology aspect is deeper, more serious and bolder, and creative companies benefit more from the element of creativity and innovation than technology.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy considered the role of development of soft technologies and creative industries headquarters to develop the flow of social innovation with a headquarters and coordination approach and added: the expenses and activities of the headquarters should be focused on the coordination and groundwork, and the executive work and oversight is the responsibility of other institutions. The work of the headquarters should be coordination, and in line with the development of creative industries and social innovations, all unused capacities and capacities that are not on the right path should be used for the development of this field.

Referring to the high importance of intellectual property and valuation of intangible assets, Dehghani said: Knowledge-based economy will not be formed unless the concepts of intellectual property and valuation of intangible assets are institutionalized. The foundation of the knowledge-based economy is based on intangible assets and intellectual property, and this economy does not find its true meaning without these concepts.

He stated that we need a special and new mechanism to evaluate assets in an economy based on innovation and creativity of educated and specialized human resources and continued: In some successful examples of technology companies in the world, the share of intangible assets exceeds 100%, so that these companies even pay their debts from intangible assets.

Necessity of gaining Iran's one percent share in the creative economy

In another part of this meeting, Masoud Hasanloo, the secretary for the development of soft technologies and creative industries headquarters, referring to the coordinating and connecting role of this headquarters among the main elements and actors of the ecosystem of creative industries and soft technologies, said: the economy of creative industries in the world occupies an important and major part of the economy of developed countries, and the turnover of this economy is more than two thousand billion dollars.

Emphasizing the necessity of gaining Iran's one percent share of this economy, Hasanloo said: When we talk about the necessity of Iran's presence in the creative industry and try to have a share of the capacities of this economy, considering Iran's one percent share of the world's population, the potential capacities available in Iran and the capacity of extraordinary human resources, it is logical that a share of at least one percent - equivalent to 20 billion dollars - should be allocated to Iran.

Referring to the law of knowledge-based production leap, the national document for the development of cultural and soft technologies and the executive regulations for the development of the creative ecosystem as legal and executive supports for the development of creative industries in the country, he said: the two arms of creative companies and creative and innovation houses help the development of the country's creative industries economy, so that now more than 1,800 creative companies and 104 creative and innovation houses are active in the country's creative industries ecosystem.

Hasanloo considered the purpose of holding meetings of the strategic headquarters of the cultural and soft technologies development document to be the fulfillment of the legal task assigned to the document for the implementation of the proposed strategies and said: under this document, 10 basic strategies have been defined, and under these strategies, 60 practical measures have been designed. In the meantime, the headquarters will create the role of an agile and synergistic headquarters and by creating the role of the private sector, elites and executive and trustee bodies in the form of a headquarters, it will provide the ground for the development of creative industries and soft and cultural technologies.

Hasanloo announced the start of the implementation process of the "National Social Innovation Award" as one of the programs specified in the national document for the development of cultural and soft technologies in interaction with the social innovation ecosystem and all related institutions.

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