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  • May 16 2016 - 19:14
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A Note for the Public Relations National Day

Hard But Not That Far

Hard But Not That Far

*Parviz Karami

The mankind is alive with relations. A big head of relations has a big ache of profit and benefit of its surroundings. Today is the national day of communication and public relations but it cannot be cliché like other occasions and get finished by few familiar and cliché sentences and ceremony and put it aside till next year. Now, it is a good that has become more valuable than last year; not year but previous months and weeks and days. Communication is not an antique that become more precious by aging, but it is renewing constantly and isn’t dyed by obsolescence.

If it isn’t considered as swagger, the public relations people and communicationers are like rails that transport the train of community and its thought although they put up with all of the pressure and concerns and shouts and complaints from both partners and citizens.

This year is the year of “Resistive Economy; Attempt and Action”. Even in the most difficult situation, the nature doesn’t kneel but resistance and withstanding are the first and best action that it does and always, nature is the winner. The nature’s characteristics and properties are always manifested in existing elements in it. The human is one of the nature’s elements that usually resist in hardest situations and obtain victory. It is interesting that the human often fought with the nature and defeated it!

But in community, the situations are more complicated and sometimes harder. In this area, the human is coping with himself more than others. Since the always victorious and powerful creature is the human itself, the battlefield is vast and endless and there are a lot of challenges in it.

One important battle in which the human always fight is the economy arena. From the beginning, the economy has created a lot of troubles for the mankind by its avaricious properties. But the fact is that we can’t live an appropriate life without the economy. Anyway the issue of living and the rational success in it has a direct relation with the human’s sublimation –whether intellectual or physical- and this very living is moving beside the economy in such a way that if the economic condition of the society is right and accurate, its people’s living will be good and satisfactory and if not, the living affairs of that society’s people will experience difficulty and adversity.

So here we can recall the importance of economy in societies’ progress. Since the human is a perfection-seeker creature, progress in different social areas is considered as his daily intentions. This progress and perfection reaching is not possible without having a proper atmosphere in his living and economy. However, we should point out a more important notion that economy and living are not the base and foundation of human’s sublimation but they are just one wing of two which flies him. The thinking Human’s second wing in progress is his culture and awareness. This is where we draw a big red line between ourselves with capitalist and Marxist communities so that don’t accompany the owners of that incomplete thought in the history by-way, God forbid.

Progress considered by the Muslim Iranian human is in vertical and horizontal aspect. That is, in addition to that we assign an endless value to spiritual and intellectual sublimation, we consider the physical and living sublimation very important. Consequently here, we knot the economy’s ringlet with economy so that we reach a unity that is stable and human-moderating.

But obtaining these conditions is not easy. In fact, human has looked at these situations during different eras desirefully and considered reaching this desirable city as the most difficult issues. Based on our historical duty, we have to perform the best operation and effectiveness in our era. We feel that the social mechanism present in our times has components that can approximate us to that desirable model and pattern. Scientific and technology progresses on one hand and intellectual and researching aboundancy on the other hand have prepared an appropriate atmosphere for growth of our heart wish. If economy is soil and culture is the seed, we can imagine that our economy (neglecting the last few years condition) is nearing to consistency and the complex of government in association with other forces and especially our dear people witness the economy stability in the perspective of near years. Our cultural and thought section is also valuable and rich to the extent that no one can deny it. Hence, we can hope in development of our tomorrow history.

But one notion that is very important among all of these things neglected sometimes is creating a connecting bridge between these two elements (economy and culture). In the example of soil and seed, we know that water has vital role in germination and prosperity. Without water, even with having fertile soil and desirable seed, we can’t witness the development and growth of our required product. One question is asked here that which organization plays the role of water in the area of society’s culture and economy?

Unequivocally, the set of cumulative communication tools- as it is obvious by its name- plays the role of the intermediator between the economy and the culture of the society and carries out its culture making and propagation. Press and public relations guide the public thought toward the desirable and ideal direction of an advanced and owner of knowledge-based economy society and in fact, they are the carriers of right and actuator of potential facilities in the organizations of a society messages.

Therefore, we shouldn’t ignore the role of media and public relations and communication in creating social progresses in an era that breeze of knowledge-based economy has been blown all over this land. This issue is of more vital and more significant importance in the present condition of our country. Whether it is wanted or not, we are coping with problems caused by others and we are in a hard and delicate resistance against those who can’t tolerate our progress. Sanctions and hindrances have caused a lot of problems for our nation but by God’s help and power, Iranian people have been honored. Now it’s the time of yielding of all the experiences that have been achieved by difficulty and a lot of cost.

Now with the guidance of that wise old man, it is the high time of “attempt” and “action” by benefiting from the connection between the economy and the culture so that we get access to gross organization and structure of resistive economy. Due to having powerful public relations and professional and of course promisor press, the resistive economy will have a fairly flat way ahead in our country. Thus, we should hope that this important issue gets happened with the aids of culture and press people rapidly and approximate us to the sublimation intended by our grandees. This path may be hard but it is not far.


*President of the knowledge-based science, technology and economy culture development headquarter and chairman of the society of activists of Iran public relations


Source: isti.ir

  • News group : NEWS,Notes
  • News code : 18118


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