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Today : Wednesday Oct 16 2024
  • Aug 27 2018 - 12:08
  • 170
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)
According to the Macro Document of Aerospace Development in the Country;

Effective presence of Iran in global aviation will be realized

Effective presence of Iran in global aviation will be realized

The effective presence of Iran in the global aviation has been emphasized in the macro document of aerospace development in the country as one of the goals in this field.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, turning Iran into one of the regional poles in aerial industry, effective presence of Iran in global aviation, creating the software and hardware capacities to develop aerial traffic and achieving safety standards and quality of flight services are among the macro goals emphasized in this document.

It is also expressed in this document that the aerospace section of the Islamic Republic of Iran will be a pole by the development of science and technology in the 2020 vision. Effectiveness in national security, efficiency and reliability in supplying strategic and current needs of the Iranian community and the world, being in line with Islamic-Iranian culture and values, being able to create wealth, design, develop and produce products and present aerospace services, creating pride by expanding the borders of knowledge and developing aerospace technology, recognized as a pioneer in the areas of science, technology, industry and services, and being knowledge-based and able to use the latest research findings are among the major properties of this area.

According to this document, the Iran national space administration is responsible for executive policy-making, directing, coordinating, and creating intraorganizational interactions necessary for developing knowledge-based industries and technologies in the aerospace field within the framework of the document.

  • News group : NEWS
  • News code : 37190


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