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Dehghani: Iran replaces India and China in providing technology in Indonesia

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy welcomed the Indonesians for the faster implementation of the agreements for Ayatollah Raeisi's recent visit to this country, including the establishment of two joint companies for the supply of medicine and medical equipment, the establishment of a joint office for the private sector in Indonesia and the dispatch of one hundred Iranian technologists informed this country to know the opportunities of bilateral cooperation.

Establishing two joint companies to supply medicine and medical equipment needed by hospitals and medical centers in Indonesia, establishing a joint office of the private sector of the two countries in Indonesia to connect technologists with technology applicants in this country as much as possible, and of course sending one hundred technologists to Indonesia to discover bilateral cooperation opportunities are the good news of the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, which is one of the fruits of the recent fruitful trip of the president Ayatollah Raeisi to Indonesia.

It was on the June this year that President Ayatollah Seyed Ibrahim Raeisi headed a high-ranking delegation to Indonesia at the official invitation of Indonesian President Joko Widodo on a two-day trip with the aim of deepening and expanding economic, political and cultural relations at the head of a high-ranking delegation.

Indonesia is a Muslim country and one of the important countries in the Southeast Asian region, which has an important place in regional and international arrangements and in "ASEAN also a member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Non-Aligned Movement countries and D-8.

Although the president's visit to Indonesia within the country was followed by some rumors and attacks and lies against the people's government regarding the free donation of this device to a hospital in Indonesia and also the promise of building 12 hospitals in this country, but the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy considers this trip as one of the fruitful and attractive trips for the field of science and technology.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, as one of the companions of Ayatollah Raeisi, who was present on his trip to Indonesia for one day more than the President, says that our trip was three days: I wish we had the opportunity to stay in this country for another two or three days; Because the Iranian delegation was welcomed very warmly by both the government and the private sector, and even until the last moment, I was holding meetings with private sector unions.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy continued: The trip to Indonesia was an interesting trip for me as the vice president of science, because I did not imagine that the field of science and technology would be so well received and this amount should be attractive for them.

At the end of this month, a high delegation from Indonesia will visit Iran

Referring to the agreements made with the Indonesians during this three-day trip, he said: We understood each other in various areas and it was even beyond understanding. Interestingly, just after we returned from the trip, we received about three follow-up letters from the Indonesians to expedite the implementation of the agreements.

Dehghani stated: At the end of July, a 13-person high-level delegation from the Deputy Minister of Health of Indonesia, who is responsible for following up on this agreement, will travel to Iran along with members of the country's highest institution in the field of technology, similar to our own scientific deputy, to follow up on the agreements.

Iran replaces India and China in supplying technology to Indonesia

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy continued by stating that during his trip to Indonesia, we had three or four suitable agreements with the officials of this country, adding: these agreements will definitely be implemented soon; Because the follow-ups from the Indonesian side are very serious and beyond compliments.

Dehghani said: Indonesians, as a Muslim country whose honesty is one of their distinguishing characteristics, very clearly announced that they accept Iran in the field of technology and if Iran provides the technology needed by Indonesia, even if compared to the Indians and Chinese is a bit more expensive, we prefer to work with Iran and this is considered a special opportunity for Iran.

Referring to the cultural commonality of two Muslim countries, Iran and Indonesia, he said: One of the neglects of the country in the past years has been the lack of development of relations with a country like Indonesia.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based stated one of the three agreements with the Indonesian authorities during the recent visit of the President of our country to this country, the agreement to establish two joint companies with 50% share of Iran and 50% of Indonesia.

Dehghani added: So that a company in the field of medicine, especially new biotechnological drugs, and a company in the field of medical equipment will be launched; Because Indonesia is a very large country with many islands, and the issue of health is very important and serious for them.

The Indonesian medical equipment market is provided to Iranian knowledge based companies

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy said that, fortunately, the health sector is the sector that is less affected by sanctions and issues of this kind in the world, and said: if the work goes ahead and the establishment of two drug and equipment supply companies, we will eventually have two joint companies in Indonesia, where the Iranian product, the technology of which is for Iran, will be produced with the infrastructure created by Indonesians.

Dehghani added: On the other hand, because 50% of the shares of these two companies will belong to Indonesians, according to the law of this country, the consumption of hospitals and medical centers in this country must be provided through these companies. Because they also have the law to protect their own domestic production.

He continued: This event will definitely open a very good market for Iran's knowledge-based companies so that it can create great events.

Knowledge-based companies will become a consortium for the shareholding of 2 Iranian and Indonesian companies

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy stated: Immediately after returning from Indonesia, on the very first day, we held a follow-up meeting to select drug and medical equipment manufacturing companies, which became a consortium and became the shareholders of the joint venture between become two countries.

Dehghani said: Because Indonesia can be very effective in the Southeast Asian Union market known as ASEAN, if these joint companies can get a good market from ASEAN, this is a very good market guarantee. It will be for the knowledge-based companies of our country, and this is a very serious axis that I hope for.

Establishment of a joint private sector office of the two countries in Indonesia

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy continued, pointing to the great interest of the private sector to connect with Iran's knowledge bases, and the second axis of the agreement with the Indonesians was the establishment of a joint office in Indonesia for the purpose of private sector cooperation between the two countries.

Dehghani said: Of course, before this, they had pursued the creation of such an office through some agencies, including the Ministry of Samt, but they had not succeeded. We agreed that they will give us an office and we will deploy several technical experts under the title of Iran-Indonesia Joint Liaison Office in the Indonesian Technological Complex, which will be a reference for Indonesian businessmen and companies on the one hand and on the other hand to connect the powerful knowledge bases of our country to be them

He emphasized: If this joint office is established, it will be very effective in developing the knowledge-based market of Iran in Indonesia.

The presence of 100 Indonesians in Iran for training and 100 Iranians in Indonesia to discover opportunities

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy continued the third agreement with the Indonesian authorities during the recent visit of the President to this country, which he believes is the most key and involves the future; He mentioned sending one hundred Indonesian researchers to participate in the summer school training course in Iran and on the other hand sending one hundred Iranian technologists to Indonesia to identify opportunities in this country.

In the third agreement between Iran and Indonesia, Dehghani added that 100 Indonesian researchers from various industrial, research and educational sectors of this country will be guests of Iran in a three-month summer school. So that it is planned that during their trip to our country, they will get acquainted with Iran's scientific and research centers in the two fields of biotechnology and Nano and receive training.

He continued: Of course, 100 Iranian technologists from various technological fields and companies are traveling to Indonesia in order to identify attractive opportunities in the country's market.

Emphasizing that the third agreement is the seed of future long-term cooperation between Iran and Indonesia, the Vice President of Science added: "For sure, a delegation of one hundred people from Indonesia got acquainted with Iran's technological capabilities during the training course, and when they returned to their country, they became ambassadors." Iran's science and technology will be developed in Indonesia.

He continued: On the one hand, by sending 100 Iranian technologists to Indonesia, they can discover opportunities for bilateral cooperation between the two countries. Because Indonesia has a very good infrastructure and therefore a series of joint cooperation should be formed, because unfortunately in Indonesia, unlike Malaysia, we do not have resident Iranians or graduates from Indonesian universities.

Dehghani believes: After sending the Indonesian delegation to Iran and sending the Iranian technologists to Indonesia, all events and joint cooperation between the two countries will automatically take place.

 If we work with Indonesians for 10 years, we will have room for work

Dehghani further pointed out that Indonesians have very good nickel and cobalt mines and currently export their raw mineral products to European countries, and emphasized: Fortunately, during the recent visit of the president to Indonesia, they announced that they are very eager to cooperate with Iran in the field of technology transfer from Iran in order to create added value as much as possible.

He also stated: Indonesian officials are very eager to cooperate with Iran in other fields, including energy and discussion of catalysts, petrochemicals and upstream oil machinery and equipment.

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy also said: Indonesians were also very eager during the recent visit of the President to this country to participate in the consortium to cooperate in the construction of a joint passenger plane between the two countries related to the aerospace field.

He also pointed out that despite the abundance of water, Indonesia is facing limitations in terms of having safe drinking water, and he considered the reason for this important is that this country does not have new technologies in the field of water desalination and said: Another request from the authorities Indonesia was developing joint cooperation in the field of water and agriculture in order to transfer Iranian technology to this country.

Dehghani continued to emphasize: "Even if we cooperate with Indonesians for 10 years, we will still have room for work, and to be honest, they treated us very kindly and warmly these few days when we were guests of Indonesia, and after 17 years of official travel. The president of Iran was very kind to this country. If God allows, I will do my best to develop the relationship with Indonesia as one of the honors of the Islamic Republic, which will be recorded during my administration.

The achievements of the trip to Indonesia were sidelined

The Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy also referring to the discussions about the Iranian surgeon robot of our country's knowledge-based company and the donation of this robot to Indonesia or the construction of several hospitals by Iran in this country, the news of which was reported during the President's visit to Indonesia was published in some media, it was reminded: in fact, the issue of the export of an Iranian surgical robot to Indonesia is related to the year 2019 and in connection with a joint telemedicine center in the field of medical services, where two robots were exported and the Iranian company and the money has also been received.

Dehghani added: Of course, the previous managers in the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy had taken the trouble to communicate with the Indonesians and export the robot, and this issue is considered as a good thing, looking at the future of cooperation between the two countries. As a result, many other incidents of this kind took place during the recent trip of the president, which was somewhat neglected.

In response to a question that it was said that 12 hospitals in Indonesia are going to be built by Iran, he also said: Indonesian health authorities have announced their readiness to buy 12 surgical robots made in Iran to equip 12 hospitals in this country, and Ayatollah Raeisi discussed the same issue after he announced that he had returned from the trip, but some people had wrong impressions about this.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

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