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Dehghani Firouzabadi: Academic Jihad is a platform for the development of elite innovations

The Acting Vice President of Science and Technology, visited the achievements of academic jihad in Khorasan Razavi province.

Ruhollah Dehghani Firouzabadi, acting vice president of science and technology, referring to the role of academic jihad in supporting and guiding creative, talented and educated human resources, said: the abilities and capacities created in the academic jihad of Mashhad are what an academic jihad should be. The organization is a perfect example that should pay attention to the horizons and prospects in the way ahead.

Dehghani Firouzabadi continued: The organization should become a home for elites and academics and in fact, it should be a refuge and shelter for academic innovations.

Emphasizing that cultural capacities should be paid attention to, he continued: the concept of ecosystem in a sense is a platform that includes all the actors in this field in general terms. It is suitable for their innovative and technological activities.

He stated that culture should flow in the text of academic Jihad activities, and continued: We should have defined the category of religion not as a separate book, but in the text of all educational sections and chapters. Culture should also be current in all departments.

The Acting Vice President of Science and Technology stated: It is expected that the academic jihad of Khorasan Razavi, due to the extraordinary capacity that the province has in the fields of culture, tourism and health, blessed by the presence of Imam Reza, peace be upon him, should have its own innovations in various fields.

Dehghani Firouzabadi said about the need to pay attention to soft and social innovations and continued: soft and cultural technologies and social innovations that flourish based on the existing capacities in human sciences and are always in a secluded corner should be given attention and academic jihad is a good platform to develop these technologies.

He added: Also, special attention should be paid in the cultural field, and with the vice president of culture and media, students should play a role in the context of the university.

Referring to the role of the media, Dehghani Firouzabadi said: Considering the important role and strategic concept of culture and media, the output of innovations and cultural outputs should be considered. As the language of today's generation is the language of the media.

Referring to the formation of a real market based on parties, demand and innovative capabilities, he said: the main success factor in a specific technology, for example, the country's current position in drones, was the formation of a real need and demand. This need-based market should be created in other technological fields as well.

Referring to the transformation of the national innovation system in accordance with the local capacities and needs, he said: the expected innovation system must be in line with the market. Although progressive and breakthrough technologies are of high importance and require support, but in the main and strategic step, market and need-oriented technologies and innovations should be taken into consideration.

The Acting Vice President of Science and Technology considered Jihad University as one of the most progressive and functional ecosystems for the development of technology and innovation and said: This organization is a smart intermediary between the public sector and the private sector that brings the capabilities and services of these two sectors to It manages in an innovative way.

Emphasizing that attention should be paid to the support and guidance of innovations, especially in the fields of knowledge and technology, he said: The infrastructure, under the title of academic jihad, should pay serious attention to the issue of culture and innovation.

Dehghani Firouzabadi, recognized one of the other innovative parts of the academic jihad, the existence of the guiding and leadership side and added: this institution has a good capacity in strategic areas such as food security. It has been designed by us, and the same western examples in acceleration and leadership exist in this organization in a complete and innovative way, but compatible with the country's native patterns. It can be like a river bed, an infrastructure for the flowing and surging of the raging river of innovations of elites and academics.

He continued: The Vice Presidency of Science and Technology will support the innovations of academic jihad and the necessary platform will be provided for the development of innovative and forward-looking projects.

Visiting various departments of academic jihad

The Acting Vice President of Science and Technology visited the research and semi-industrial production center of food additives located in Khorasan Razavi Academic Jihad and had a conversation with the researchers of the center.

Extraction and production of natural colors with food, pharmaceutical and industrial applications from biological sources, formulation and production of various food additives, extraction at low temperatures, production of various food and pharmaceutical powders, use of safe solvents in extracting additives and providing specialized services to universities, research centers and regulatory organizations are among the parts of the capabilities in the center.

Dehghani Firouzabadi also visited the research group of advanced materials, pilot production of catalyst and industrial equipment.

A visit to the University Jihad Tourism Research Institute, presenting achievements in the field of humanities, culture and soft technologies was one of the other parts visited in the University Jihad of Khorasan Razavi Province.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 88134

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