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Today : Wednesday Oct 16 2024
  • May 18 2016 - 18:42
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Amiri Nia Announced in Press Meeting;

250 Foreign and Domestic Knowledge-Based Companies Are Present in INOTEX 2016

250 Foreign and Domestic Knowledge-Based Companies Are Present in INOTEX 2016

According to the public relations and information center of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs, Hamid Reza Amiri Nia- head of the INOTEX 2016 exhibition said in the press meeting of this exhibition: Science and technology and especially science generation has reached a good and honorable position in our country. In technology development and wealth generation and knowledge-based economy realization, we hope to witness the emergence of technology in people’s life.

He mentioned: There was just Russia in the initial exhibition held and Iranian parties weren’t present. In the second exhibition of Iran, Russia and Belarus were present. From the third exhibition, this idea was created that the reason of inviting the foreign parties is that based on the market we have in the country, we are ready to provide the market to the Iranian party that has foreign partner and is ready for scientific and technology cooperations by creating joint designing office and manufacturing and creating joint production line and we will support them.

Head of the INOTEX 2016 exhibition added: With this aim, this exhibition entered a new phase since the 3rd session. From the 4th session, its international issue was increased that this tear we witness an almost 100 percent growth in presence of foreign parties and 30 percent growth in presence of Iranian companies.

He said: In this exhibition held by the effort of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs, 83 foreign companies from 14 countries and 90 domestic knowledge-based companies will be present. Actually the INOTEX 2016 is a place for trade between Iranian and foreign parties in such a way that we not only seek technology transferring, but also we seek presence of Iranian companies in world export markets.

Stating that this exhibition is a national special exhibition in the field of advanced technology of the country, he stated: The presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs supported this attempt via the technology exchange vice presidency, has a policy making council with presence of the vice presidency for science affairs, technology and innovation fund, ministry of science, research and technology, ministry of health and medical education, ministry of petroleum, ministry of industries and business, ministry of foreign affairs, Nano Technology development headquarter of the vice presidency for science affairs, the innovation and efflorescence fund, broadcasting of Islamic Republic of Iran, ministry of information and communication technology, the art field of the Islamic advertisement organization and the food and drug organization and the knowledge-based science, technology and economy culture development headquarter of the vice presidency for science affairs.

Amiri Nia informed about another occurrence that will be happened beside this exhibition and said: Regarding the supported carried out by the vice presidency for science affairs of this exhibition, South Korea was encouraged to hold a sidelong exhibition concurrently with the INOTEX 2016 exhibition in which their 80 knowledge-based companies in one private pavilion will be present. These companies are ready for commerce cooperation with Iran via scientific and technology cooperations.

He said that one important notion was the considerable meetings in sidelong programs of this exhibition and added: One meeting will be held by the NAM (Non-Aligned Movement) science and technology institute in association with Pardis Technology Park of the vice presidency for science affairs associated to technology commercialization in which representatives from 21 countries will be present. In this program, a 2-day educating workshop will be held in Pardis Technology Park of the vice presidency for science affairs.

He continued: We didn’t let that this exhibition just get limited to Tehran. Since a long time ago, a complete notification was done countrywide which 10 provinces were organized. Near 150 individuals can visit the INOTEX 2016 exhibition by supports from the Pardis Technology Park of the vice presidency for science affairs. The provinces of Razavi Khorasan, Khuzestan, Kermanshah, Lorestan, Markazi, Hamedan, Qazvin, Kerman, East Azerbaijan and Alborz are these provinces.

Another event held in the margin of INOTEX 2016 was named Iran Silicon by him. Amiri Nia said that the aim of holding this event is familiarization with experiences of successful entrepreneurs, economic relation with domestic and foreign entrepreneurs and investors, finding joint cooperation and investment opportunities, recognizing the present and future condition of Iran ecosystem.

Head of the INOTEX 2016 exhibition emphasized on this issue that INOTEX is at the beginning of the way and said:  If it is set that Farsi become a scientific source till 2050, we should accelerate the science generation more and if science generation is for science and technology is for technology, we are doomed to fail. This attempt must be done in the path of knowledge-based economy.

Amiri Nia said that the index of exporting advanced technologies in the world is an important index.

Seyyed Farhang Fasihi- president of the second international meeting of innovation networking said in the press meeting of this event:10 professional panels will held in this international meeting this year. 5 panels have been assigned to more general topics of the special technology topics. The success mechanisms in technology transferring, establishing joint R&D units, financial supply of technological cooperation (risk taker investment), success requirements in innovation networks, technology exports are topics that their results will be analyzed to be used practically.

President of the second international meeting of innovation networking stated that the topic of the other 5 professional panels are information and communication technology, energy and bio technology, convergent technologies of nano, bio and cognitive sciences, cultural identity-maker and soft industries and media panel.

He stated: It was formed in this year planning of the scientific committee of the meeting that teachers and experts from related field were invited. We had a 16-person committee that has held several meetings.

According to Fasihi, 40 persons of experts will give lecture during the two days of holding of this professional meeting that art May 24th and 25th, 2016 which half of these people are international prominent experts. Moreover, domestic famous and prominent experts will explain domestic work experiences.

Ali Hazaveh, president of the Iran Silicon meeting said as well: This event is a 2-day meeting held on May 23rd and 24th in INOTEX exhibition. The aim of holding the Iran Silicon event is an excuse for gathering the Iranian successful entrepreneurs that have done entrepreneurship based on innovation and share their operational and executive experiences.

He also stated: In this 2-day event, professional panels with entrepreneurship topics will be held. 6 panels have been planned. What suitable idea can be provided in the beginning, experiences of innovation accelerator centers, How financial supply can be done in infant and innovative companies, innovation management, the market and how to expand it to out of the Iran’s borders and human force and elites attraction are the topics of the planned panels.

The 5th exhibition of technology and innovation (INOTEX 2016) will be held from may 22nd to 25th at Tehran international exhibition by the effort of the presidency vice presidency for science and technology affairs and by Pardis Technology Park of the vice presidency for science affairs. Moreover, the second international meeting of innovation networking will be held on May 24th and 25th and the Iran Silicon meeting will be held on May 23rd and 24th in the margin of this exhibition.


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  • News code : 15042


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