Deputy of Policy-making and Development Headquarter;
Prioritized areas of the country are a foundation for role playing of the ecosystem of startups.
Prioritized areas of the country are a foundation for role playing of the ecosystem of startups.
With the Help of Rahzist Approach;
Bank of actual bio challenges of the country is created
Bank of actual bio challenges of the country is created
The economic environment of the country is improved by knowledge-based technologies and startups.
The economic environment of the country is improved by knowledge-based technologies and startups.
The foundation will be laid for cooperation between Iran and Germany in the area of education of renewable energies
The foundation will be laid for cooperation between Iran and Germany in the area of education of renewable energies
In the Presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs:
Specialized accelerator of PersisGene is opened in Shiraz
Specialized accelerator of PersisGene is opened in Shiraz
Today on Provincial Travel to Fars;
“PersisGene” Accelerator was inaugurated in the presence of the vice president for science and technology affairs
“PersisGene” Accelerator was inaugurated in the presence of the vice president for science and technology affairs
The Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs Awarded the Kharazmi Winners
The Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs Awarded the Kharazmi Winners
Along with the Visit of Knowledge-based Companies of Industrial Towns of Capital by Sattari:
“Aban” accelerator is opened
“Aban” accelerator is opened
Secretary of Biotechnology Development Headquarter;
Iran has reached the peak of production of complex biomedicine
Iran has reached the peak of production of complex biomedicine
110 Iranian inventions were protected
110 Iranian inventions were protected