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  • Aug 11 2019 - 20:52
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Sattari on the First Assembly of Pioneers of Health-related Knowledge-based Economy:

Support of pioneering knowledge-based companies must be followed up with serious determination.

Support of pioneering knowledge-based companies must be followed up with serious determination.

On the first assembly of pioneers of health-related knowledge-based economy, which was held in the presence of the ministry of health and was hosted by innovation fund, the vice president for science and technology affairs announced: more than 360 knowledge-based companies have produced a considerable level of value added and occupation. This year, support of these businesses that are the stimulus for economy of the country is followed up with more determination.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the majority of knowledge-based companies in health field were gathered in the first assembly of pioneers of health-related knowledge-based economy to share their concerns and needs with the authorities and policy-makers of the country and pave the way for synergy in the field.

Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, talked about the serious determination in supporting the top knowledge-based companies of the field, expressing: one of the serious programs of the Vice-Presidency is supporting the pioneering companies in the field of knowledge-based economy. More than 360 companies have been supported in the program of supporting pioneering companies with the cooperation of the Iran national innovation fund.

Serious Determination for Support of Pioneer Transformers of the Economy in the Country

Sattari considered the assembly a step toward interaction and sympathy among top activists in the knowledge-based field.

According to the president of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter, the pioneering knowledge-based companies can put hundreds of startups on the path of production of knowledge-based products with their capabilities. These companies are important with market capability, licensing and sales in domestic and foreign markets.

Fighting the Import-based Culture

Sattari explained the hope for focusing on domestic knowledge-based producers, adding: it is hoped that sympathy among organizations and attitude toward Iranian products would lead to the formation of a place in the market for evaluation and use of these technologies as a substitute to their foreign counterparts. These technologies must be tested and supported in the production cycle. The ministry of health has been a pioneer in such attitudes, and the food and drugs organization must be recognized as a model for other sectors.

Big Transformations with the Help of Knowledge-based Companies

The vice president for science and technology affairs reminded the determination and empathy among all sectors as the most important necessity for flourishing of domestic production and flowing new blood into the vessels of the economy.

Sattari also talked about the cooperation of activists in the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, including knowledge-based companies, continuing: this culture will not be achieved with the government support, and serious determination must exist in all sectors to make transformations by relying on abilities of knowledge-based businesses. 

There have been some cases where a drug is produced by and the foreign producer reduces the cost of its product and offers it to the insurance company. The foreign company insists so much that the domestic producer fails and the defected important process is re-initiated.

Support of Knowledge-based Products Using New Mechanisms

In this assembly, Dr. Ali Vahdat, the head of the innovation fund, regarded the meeting an opportunity for laying the foundation for development of economy of the country with the help of pioneering knowledge-based businesses.

Helping Knowledge-based Companies

In another part of the meeting, Saeed Namaki, the minister of health, referred to the key role of knowledge-based companies in promoting the country"s health system, stating: today, there is no need that could not be solved by knowledge-based businesses, and there is no problem in the health field that would not be solved by these companies. A foundation is laid so that knowledge-based companies could open a new horizon to health system of the country with the valuable support of the Vice-Presidency.

Emphasizing the Support of Pioneers in the Field of Knowledge-based Economy

Mahdi Elasi, deputy of policy and strategic assessment affairs, regarded the special capacity of knowledge-based businesses in the health field an opportunity for holding the assembly. He regarded the most important goal of the event to be supporting the key activists of the area.

According to Eliasi, the second goal of the assembly is networking and increasing cooperation in the knowledge-based health field. In this respect, he expressed: the most important goal of the meeting is opening dialogue in the area and expressing the views of various custodian centers of the program. The Vice-Presidency and innovation fund have predicted a special path for these companies designed to support the pioneering companies of the field to eliminate their challenges.  

He asserted that pioneers have been selected based on the criteria of sales, export, and future-making technologies.

Visit and Dialogue

After the meeting, the vice president for science and technology affairs, accompanied by the Minister of Health and Medical Education and the Head of the Innovation and Development Fund, visited the pavilion of leading pioneering companies present at the exhibition and discussed their concerns and points of view.

According to this report, the first assembly of pioneers in the knowledge-based health field was held by the efforts of the Vice-Presidency and the innovation fund in the presence and with the cooperation of the minister of health, and knowledge-based companies and policy-makers of the area. The exhibition space of the assembly includes the activists in the health knowledge-based ecosystem and will continue until August 11th, 2019. In addition, an opportunity is provided for networking and creating interactions among political sectors and knowledge-based activists and investors of the area.

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters
  • News code : 45862


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