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Sattari on National Summit of Friday Imams of the Country:

Knowledge-based companies have turned science into wealth and we are proud of them.

Knowledge-based companies have turned science into wealth and we are proud of them.

The vice president for science and technology affairs mentioned the highlighted presence of the knowledge-based companies in the economy of the country, stating: these great things have happened with the direct support of the Supreme Leader and many of our problems will be solved with his guidance.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, regarded the view of the Supreme Leader in terms of support of science and technology and support of knowledge-based companies a hopeful point for the youth in the field of science and knowledge on the national summit of Friday Imams, emphasizing the necessity of use of his guidance in this field.

The vice president for science and technology affairs pointed out the emphasis of the Supreme Leader on the key role of the youth and knowledge-based companies in the statement of second step of the revolution, affirming: our Supreme Leader has emphasized topics such as knowledge-based companies, knowledge, technology and creativity of the youth in his statements. Mentioning these issues in the statement of the second step of the revolution is a guide to move toward the ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship with increased motivation.

Sattari continued: in meetings with the Supreme Leader and elites of the country, he is presented with various reports and achievements and he emphasizes the moving forward of the youth with the determination and participation of all sectors.

Changing the Path of Economy toward Creativity and Innovation

Sattari emphasized that the path of the economy must be changed toward creativity and innovation by re-recognizing the path to progress. In this regard, he marked: the Vice-Presidency has attempted to change these views.

The vice president for science and technology affairs reminded the valuable assets of the country throughout the history, stating: Ibn Sina, Farabi, Kharazmi, and other famous scientists of the country are our valuable assets.

Re-opening the Field of Creativity and Innovation to Make History

Sattari considered one of the main foundations for the cost of the budget of the country to be education, claiming: defense, education and health fields are the main budget-allocated areas. Therefore, we must witness a significant change in this amount of budget. As such, we have attempted to open the field for creativity and innovation of people by changing the attitude and culture of the society and making the society members trusting the human resources again.

“Elite”; an Asset in the Hands of the Country 

 During the event, the vice president for science and technology affairs stated: this change has been significant in the past few years with the help of the ecosystem of knowledge-based companies. While there were only 270 thousand Iranian students in foreign countries at the beginning of the Islamic revolution and there were more than 100 thousand non-resident Iranian students, one of the largest group of emigrating students were formed in the United States. Today, this valuable asset is more 4.5 million students in the country and can show its creativity in the ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship. Everyday, presenting a knowledge-based service or product opens the way for progress and change in the country.

The president of the national elites foundation mentioned that Iran is among the top five countries of the world in terms of the number of students, adding: regarding the number of emigrating students, we have been ranked 18th in the world. According to the global statistics, even the emigration office of the United States, this asset belongs to our country today, but we must pay more attention to maintaining our creative and graduated youth, especially in engineering and basic science fields.

Enhanced Position of Iran in the Field of Science Production

Sattari continued: according to the international documents published annually, we have been ranked 16th in the world. Over the past ten years, we have been improved with at least 15 ranks. We are ranked below 10 in most parts of engineering fields and this has happened after the Islamic revolution of Iran, not before it.

The vice president for science and technology affairs considered Iran as the first power of the region in term of science production due to the creativity of its graduated youth.

The president of the national elites foundation continued: we are ranked fourth in the field of nanotechnology, and there are more than 100s of companies active in this field. Currently, we export nanotechnology machinery to China. In addition, great things are happening in the field of stem cells in the country.

Changing the Basis of the Economy from Import-based to Export-based with the Presence of Knowledge-based Companies

Sattari regarded the role-playing of fintech businesses in the management of financial transactions on the cyberspace a successful example of providing opportunities for startups, declaring: the role of fintechs in financial transactions has increased ten times compared to the last year. Every day, more than a thousand billion tomans of financial transactions are carried out in the country with the help of these businesses.

The Right Path of the Country in the Field of Cyberspace

The vice president for science and technology affairs pointed out that sanctions have been turned into valuable opportunities for improving the knowledge-based and startup activities, expressing: we have pointed their own guns toward themselves. We have youth who can produce UAVs and missiles in the military field. American drone hunting is not a small task, and it is a great potential for a new generation of knowledge-based entrepreneurship that will change the future of the country.

In the end, Sattari mentioned: we have more than 40 science and technology parks and more than four thousand and 400 knowledge-based companies. The sale of these companies is more than 90 thousand billion tomans. At least 500 thousand youth are active in these companies, and many of those living abroad have come back to their country. By doing so, we have decreased the stay duration of the youth in foreign countries, and these individuals can turn their creativity and innovation into products and know that they can change society.

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center
  • News code : 45307


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