رونق تولید
Today : Wednesday Oct 16 2024
Technology business development center
  • Address : Seraj Complex, Pardis Technology Park, Km 20 Damavand Road, Tehran

  • Phone : 76250250

  • website : http://www.techbiz.ir

Affiliated Entities


Today, support of the commercialization of ideas, projects, and products of knowledge-based companies has an important share in the formation of a proper business and economic development space in most developed and developing countries. In Iran, this issue is implemented through the establishment of science and technology parks and growth centers. Therefore, the limited capacity of these units from one hand and the development of information technology and communication and their infrastructures from the other hand, have led to the formation of support centers and providing related services. As such, “the technology business development center” was established in 2016 in order to support and help the commercialization and empowering of projects and ideas of researchers and inventors through financial and spiritual support of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs under the supervision of Pardis Technology Park. Through the technology and business service providing brokers and professional experts and counselors, the center makes efforts to empower researchers, inventors, and owners of technological projects to commercialize their projects, and support the formation and development of new businesses, and provide technology and business services to all actual and legal innovative individuals.


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