رونق تولید
Today : Friday Mar 14 2025
Automation and Digital Technologies Development Headquarter
  • Address : No. 20, Ladan St., North Sheikh Bahaei Blvd., Molasadra Blvd., Vanak Sq., Tehran

  • Phone : ۸۳۵۳۲۳۳۰

  • website : http://en.ictc.isti.ir

Technology & Development Headquarters


Given the effects of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on various economic and social sectors in the country, policymaking and coordination charter of several supreme councils were established within different periods. The High Council of Informatics affiliated to the Plan and Budget Organization (PBO) was the first one established in 1980. Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade as the stakeholder of manufacturing sector and Ministry of Post, Telegraph and Telephone as stakeholder of infrastructure were two original actors in Information, Communications and Electro-electronic Sector.

With ICT development and increase in its effects on different sectors, tasks and responsibilities were apportioned nationwide and in process, the Council for Information, Communications and Microelectronic Technology affiliated to the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology was established in 2000 in an attempt to develop and promote the related technologies, help knowledge-based businesses and promote knowledge.

Information and Communication Technology 


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