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Unveiling Two Artificial Intelligence Systems; Sattari: Iran Improves along with Advanced Countries in the Field.

The strategic document of artificial intelligence and two related systems were unveiled in the presence of Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs. According to Sattari, great companies are active in the artificial intelligence field in the country, which have recruited hundreds of programmers and personnel.

Two artificial intelligence systems and one product were unveiled in the presence of Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, Parviz Karami, the secretary of the headquarters for culture knowledge-based economy, Mahdi Mohammadi, the secretary of the digital economies and automation technologies development headquarter, as well as the CEOs of three knowledge-based companies in the field of artificial intelligence and a number of journalists.

The systems are commercialized with the support of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs.

The event also unveiled a national document in the field of artificial intelligence to be presented to the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution.

Manufacturing Products that Can Compete with Foreign Counterparts

Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, expressed in the event: while this area is relatively new in the world, including Iran, the Iranian companies and startups have worked in line with advanced countries of the world and have made advancements in this industry. When we compare Iranian knowledge-based and technology companies active in the field of artificial intelligence with some leading countries, especially China, it is seen that "Iran-made" products produced in this field can compete with similar foreign models.

Applied Products in the Field of Artificial Intelligence

The vice president for science and technology affairs continued: many of the services offered by technology companies in the field of artificial intelligence can improve a wide range of Iranian businesses. Services such as text-to-speech conversion, face recognition, emotion analysis and leveling, risk factor detection in the heavy industry workplace, and dozens of other services offered by these companies are very useful.

The president of headquarters for culture knowledge-based economy mentioned: the Vice-Presidency has participated in this field with a serious approach due to the importance of the field and its role in the future of the country’s economy and industry. Today, there are hundreds of active startups and companies in the field of artificial intelligence, which have been able to commercialize their ideas and introduce them as services and products. Some of these companies have reached a stage of growth that has accommodated hundreds of programmers and staff.

Sorena Sattari, the president of the national elites foundation, added: given the provision of a different support package by the Vice-Presidency in the field of artificial intelligence and targeted policymaking, I hope that in the near future I will reach a stage where we can compete with the top countries in the field of artificial intelligence. However, it should be noted that some products and services offered by Iranian technology companies active in the field of artificial intelligence can compete with similar foreign products.

A Promising Future

According to Sattari, given the very promising future of this field, universities and educational centers should take action to create and develop specialized fields in the field of artificial intelligence, especially at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels. Graduates in this field can be attracted to the labor market as artificial intelligence specialists very quickly if they acquire the necessary skills, and the level of employment in this field is very high.

Startup Plus Program

In addition, Parviz Karami, the secretary of headquarters for culture knowledge-based economy, expressed his condolences on the death of Imam Hussein and introduced the companies present in the event, affirming: given Iran’s position in the field of artificial intelligence and the results announced by the international scientometric databases, Iran's rank in this field has been announced between 15 and 18. In the practical and executive field, dynamic and growing knowledge-based companies have been established in the country.

Karami explained about “Startup Plus”: after corona outbreak in the country and because of the closing of startups and companies in the fields of IT and tourism, the Vice-Presidency aimed to establish the support program of “Corona Plus”. The Vice-Presidency has defined this support package for startups and knowledge-based companies that produce corona-related products.

Startups and companies that benefit from this package mostly produce services in the field of corona or want to create and increase added value in this field. In fact, “Startup Plus” is a continuation of “Corona Plus” program.

The advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs mentioned: the artificial intelligence support program of the Vice-Presidency focuses on areas such as blockchain, Internet of Things, augmented reality, and virtual reality, as well as smart centers and cities.

Given the plans made by the Vice-Presidency, currently, the country is ranked 15th and 18th in the world in the field of artificial intelligence, which is a very significant position. However, this rate is not great and a focus on the private sector will further advance Iran in the field.

Supporting Artificial Intelligence Ideas to Market

In addition, Mahdi Mohammadi, the secretary of digital economy and automation technologies development headquarter, pointed out the center’s focus on five future-making technologies, asserting: according to world foresight, 5 different technologies will greatly affect the world in the next 5 to 10 years. We at the headquarters are also focused on these technologies, which include IoT, blockchain, artificial intelligence, virtual reality augmented reality.

He continued: the head of these five technologies is artificial intelligence, which is emphasized by the vice president for science and technology affairs. In fact, artificial intelligence has changed the world economically.

He also mentioned: a national artificial intelligence program has also been developed in the country, which will be unveiled at today's meeting. In this national program, we support companies that provide artificial intelligence services.

Pointing out Startup Plus program, Mohammadi expressed: our center has implemented Startup Plus to empower startups in the field and focus on prioritized technologies in the field of digital economy.

During the ceremony, the CEOs of two knowledge-based companies of “Rayan Modir Hooshiar” and “Arman Rayan Sharif” talked about their products in the field of artificial intelligence and platforms designed in the field of explanatory text, image, video and speech modules. Modules that are designed with the best quality and in sync with similar foreign products in the country and are provided to users with the least amount of error.

In addition, it allows teams and companies to develop smart modules and services to easily present their products on the platform and share in its revenue.

A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs


  • News group : NEWS,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 69533

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