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Sattari: The Path toward the Development of Academic and Technological Cooperation between Iran and Russia Is Paved

The foundation is laid for joint scientific and technological cooperation between Iran and Russia, especially in the field of advanced pharmaceutical technologies, during an online meeting between Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, and Alexander Sergeyev, president of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Pointing out the Vice-Presidency’s preparedness to develop scientific and technological relations between Iran and Russia, the vice president for science and technology affairs expressed: the two countries have extensive and deep relations in the field of diplomacy, and it is necessary to achieve this depth and development of relations in the field of science and technology as well.

Sattari announced the trend of expansion and acceleration of scientific and technological relations between Iran and Russia in recent years, adding: the beginning of this cooperation took a new shape with Mr. Forsenko's visit to Iran, and following that, the interactions between the two countries continued. Fortunately, the development of these relations has been very good and the universities of the two countries have close cooperation.

Emphasizing the necessity of continuing this path, he mentioned: the structure of the country's universities is traditionally based on the West, and accordingly, the main scientific relations of Iranian universities in previous years were with Europe and North America, while Russia, as a longtime neighbor of Iran, has numerous capacities for cooperation. It is scientific and technological.

The president of the national elites foundation considered the year 2017 as the start of joint academic projects between the two countries, asserting: only 18 joint projects were defined in the first year. However, joint projects are defined based on 50% participation of the two countries, which has had significant increase, in a way that the latest call has led to 370 projects, and the prioritized works will be supported.

Sattari continued the academic cooperation of the two countries as one of the most important priorities of the Vice-Presidency, expressing: the Vice-Presidency supports joint projects and a large number of students have been sent to Russia to attend short-term courses and receive post-doctoral fellowship.

The vice president for science and technology affairs mentioned their preparedness to support the development of scientific and technological relationships between the countries, asserting: the Vice-Presidency is on the path of science and technology cooperation development to lay the foundation for expanded interactions.

Preparedness for Joint Medical Cooperation in Battle against Corona

Pointing out the abilities of knowledge-based companies and research centers of Iran in the field of drugs and vaccines, Sattari marked: we are ready to support important and significant projects. Given the current problems caused by the corona outbreak that all countries of the world are facing, this cooperation can be achieved by defining several scientific and technological projects in the field of corona. A representative of the Vice-Presidency in Moscow can follow this issue.

I really welcome this issue and believe that Iran national science foundation is the best unit for cooperation and we are prepared to carry out programs.

Pointing out the follow-up of cooperation with Russian Institutions in the field of biotechnology and nanotechnology, he added: on the basis of a joint working group, while defining technological projects and projects, we will have material and spiritual support for these projects. In Iran, there are various research centers as well as private and knowledge-based companies that have valuable investments and achievements in the field of technology and can be the basis for these collaborations.

Marine and Pharmaceutical Technologies; A Good Platform for Scientific Cooperation between Iran and Russia

The President of the Russian Academy of Sciences continued by stating that the Russian scientific institutes are under the supervision of the Academy of Sciences and related ministries, the basis of scientific cooperation with Iran. He mentioned: these institutes pursue collaborations with scientific centers and universities in Iran that have the capacity to expand the volume and quality of these interactions. The Russian Academy of Sciences is ready to follow this trend, as in the past, alongside the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs of Iran.

Sergeyev added: regarding the cooperation between the Russian institutes, we are ready for their cooperation to continue as the inter-university cooperation, which has been satisfactory so far.

Pointing out the necessity of joint projects in prioritized fields of the two parties, he added: Iran and Russia, on the basis of institutes related to each field of science and technology, can cooperate in various fields, including biotechnology, minerals and ecology of the Caspian Sea, as well as medicine, infectious diseases and other fields of technology.

Sergeyev claimed: we suggest the establishment of a joint working group to realize this goal and present ideas based on the working group in addition to being familiarized with prioritized projects.

Sergeyev invited the Vice-Presidency to play a role in holding the conference of scientists of 5 countries on the shore of the Caspian Gulf as a foundation to develop scientific cooperation. In this regard, he continued: I confirm that the level of political relations is high and the level of relations between our scientists is not at this level, and we should try to increase this cooperation. One of these measures could be the interaction between countries in holding and creating an effective plan in holding this multilateral conference and based on it, shared experiences and scientific capabilities.

Sergeyev declared that the conference is being carried out with the help of the Russian Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan and they welcome the cooperation of Iran in the event.

The Embassy of Iran Will Follow Scientific and Technological Interactions between the Two Countries

In another part of the video conference, Kazem Jalali, the ambassador of Iran in Russia, pointed out the support of developing the scientific cooperation between Iran and Russia, asserting: the embassy of Iran will follow the operations as the representative of the Vice-Presidency and will lay the foundation for the development of scientific cooperation between the two countries. Fortunately, the top universities in Iran and Russia held a virtual meeting a few months ago, and the Ministries of Science of the two countries also attended the meeting.


A report by the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs

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