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Today : Thursday Dec 26 2024
  • Jul 6 2019 - 15:31
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Biological innovative products will be improved by venture capitals

Biological innovative products will be improved by venture capitals

The secretary of biotechnology development headquarter pointed out that the development of venture capitals is the main drive motor and axle of growth of new and innovative products in the field of industry and emphasized the support of biotechnology knowledge-based companies in the country.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Mostafa Ghanei, the secretary of biotechnology development headquarter, expressed the support of biological knowledge-based companies in the country, stating: as a venture capital, the headquarter plays an important role in the development of strategic models, development of business and increase of value added of knowledge-based companies with its active management.

He added: in the first stages of economic growth and evolution, knowledge-based companies are considered by investors who can compensate for the capital gap and liquidity shortage of entrepreneurial companies and are placed in the group of shareholders.

According to Ghanei, incentive methods must be proposed for investors to accept the risk of support of knowledge-based companies.

He also asserted: since of the most important missions of the Vice-Presidency is developing the business of knowledge-based companies, we must pave the way for improving the activities of these companies in the country. In this context, one of the best methods is increasing venture capitals.

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Management Development & Resources
  • News code : 45104


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