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Today : Thursday Oct 17 2024
  • Jul 18 2019 - 15:04
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By Signing a Quadrilateral Cooperation Agreement;

The ecosystem of innovation and technology will be flourished

The ecosystem of innovation and technology will be flourished

Along with the first exhibition of domestic production and booming production and national campaign of domestic production movement (made in Iran), a quadrilateral cooperation agreement was signed among the Vice-Presidency, the ministry of industry, mine and trade, the ministry of science, research and technology and the Iranian national science fund to support domestic production and boom made-in-Iran products.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, an agreement was signed on the opening ceremony of the exhibition of opportunities for domestic production and booming of production and national campaign of domestic production to increase synergy among four units related to made-in-Iran productions so that all of these organizations carry out their missions to improve domestic products and support the creative youth and eliminate barriers to their path.

With regard to the production booming slogan issued to all organizations by the Supreme Leader, Vice-Presidency, the ministry of industry, mine and trade, the ministry of science, research and technology and the Iranian national science fund, which have a great impact on introduction and the financial and spiritual support of knowledge-based companies, it was decided to sign an agreement to pave the way for realization of ecosystem of innovation and technology and development of new businesses boomed in the country for a few years.

In this agreement, the ministry of science, research and technology is the custodian of management of universities, research centers, and science and technology parks, the ministry of industry, mine and trade introduces the needs of various industries (e.g., oil, gas, petrochemistry, ICT, energy, automotive and telecommunication) to knowledge-based companies, the Vice-Presidency supports the knowledge-based companies and startups, and the Iranian national science fund financially supports these companies.

This year was announced as the year of production boom by the Supreme Leader, which has provided a clear mission for government managers and authorities to attempt to flourish domestic production with the help of all existing facilities and equipment. This agreement was signed so that the Iranian creative youth, knowledge-based companies, startups and new companies that have entered the large economic areas can pass the correct path and meet the domestic needs based on determined priorities even in difficult sanction conditions. 

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Communication & Information Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources
  • News code : 45438


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