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  • Jul 14 2019 - 15:20
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Technological activities of researchers will be developed with new support packages

Technological activities of researchers will be developed with new support packages

By signing an agreement between the Iran National Science Foundation and the University of Isfahan, the researchers of the mentioned university will be supported.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the Iran National Science Foundation signed an agreement with the University of Isfahan in line with the support of research projects of researchers and faculty members of the university. The agreement was signed by Iman Eftekhari, head of the Iran National Science Foundation, and Houshang Talebi, head of the University of Isfahan. However, another agreement was signed in 2015 and this was a complementary agreement.

According to this agreement, 15 research projects and 30 PhD dissertations of researchers of the university will be supported by the fund to develop research activities required in the country. One of the articles of this agreement is the commitment of the University of Isfahan to the evaluation of projects in the form of approved fund forms, which facilitates the process of project evaluation and shortens the process.

This agreement was signed to maintain the spiritual property of results for the project owner since this issue is significantly important for researchers.

During the ceremony for signing the agreement, Iman Eftekhari explained about the activities of the fund, expressing: soon the process of receiving project by various working groups of the fund will change and calls will be made in each working group. In addition, planning will be in such a way that three calls are published in each scientific field over a year.

He also mentioned: new support packages are being designed by the fund and they will be provided to the research community in future days to improve and accelerate their scientific move. The “establishment”, “pioneers” and “start” grants are in this support package, each having their own application in the path of development of scientific activities.

  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 45276


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