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  • Mar 18 2023 - 15:50
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Development of knowledge-based contracts in the field of oil worth 100 million dollars; The knowledge-based economy is crossing the path of the oil industry

A cooperation agreement was signed between the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and Iran Petro Company to provide the basis for the development of knowledge-based economy with a focus on oil, gas and renewable energy industries.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, referring to the efforts to penetrate the knowledge-based industries in the oil industry and to pass this industry from the stage of crude sales, stated: Oil is one of the valuable advantages of our territory, and an economy without oil means absolute elimination. This is not a God-given blessing of the economy, but rather the elimination of crude sales and the penetration of innovation into this industry. Our economy should not rely on crude oil, when we have oil resources and the knowledge and ability to help the educated youth to use this resource innovatively. We have underground, so we must use this capacity to complete the value chain of the oil industry and create added value.

Dehghani continued: the path of the basic knowledge of the economy passes through the oil industry. Accordingly, this agreement is signed with the aim of forming knowledge-based consortia and the presence of innovative and technological companies in the oil industry. Completing the value chains in this field is one of the priority axes supported by the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, pointing out that these agreements are formed with an operational approach and with the aim of forming large and technological projects with the participation of knowledge-based companies in that industry, continued: I expect next year and with the operational flow of these agreements to witness the conclusion of serious and executive contracts.

He added: If these types of agreements can bring appropriate output and added value, students and technology activists who have innovative ideas will also be motivated to advance their ideas in the path of becoming knowledge-based. Next year, thanks to God, we will allocate up to ten times the financial credit and support to complete value chains in industries.

Hamid Zulfaqari, acting vice president for the development of knowledge-based economy, referring to the strong will and determination of the Vice Presidency of Science for the implementation of the role of knowledge-based companies in various industries, said: the vice-presidency of science, technology and knowledge-based economy is working hard to connect knowledge-based companies to various industries to complete its value chain.

Referring to the first package, one hundred million dollars of market guarantee is predicted. Petroiran also has good capabilities in the deep water field that can help. In this agreement, the commercialization of knowledge-based products and procurement and other matters are foreseen.

Sepehr Sepehri, CEO of PetroIran Development Company, also stated in this ceremony that PetroIran is taking steps towards defining knowledge-based projects by using its existing capacities, and continued: This company has advantages that can lead to the creation of important mega-projects in connection with knowledge-based projects. The presence of this company as one of the customers of knowledge-based products and services, long experience and history in this industry and presence in international markets are among the advantages that lead to the development of technology megaprojects.

He added: "Oil is one of the income-generating and job-creating industries, but this income generation is achieved by implementing projects that have a market and customers." It is necessary to provide the field of guidance and communication of knowledge-based companies to the oil industry and the presence of investors in this field. To realize this issue, we need a guide and rosary thread, and the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology can play this role well.

The value of 100 million dollars of oil industry contracts with the presence of knowledge-based companies

Based on this cooperation agreement, exploration, development and exploitation and investment in oil, gas and renewable energy industries will be developed with the focus on knowledge-based companies.

Among the main axes of this cooperation agreement, it can be mentioned that solving the economic, bottleneck and strategic industrial needs of PetroIran by defining knowledge-based megaprojects and specialized knowledge-based consortia in the form of cooperation contracts with an estimated cumulative amount of 100 million dollars.

Receiving services and purchasing technology equipment and products produced from this agreement within the framework of existing laws, regulations and rules in PetroIran is one of the axes of the cooperation agreement.

The plan for the development and operation and supply of drinking water from deep water sources (including Sistan), the plan for revitalizing inactive and low-efficiency wells, knowledge-based plans for the development and exploration of oil and gas fields, guaranteeing purchase and interest. Downloading integrated software for collecting and processing online information and optimizing drilling operations as a complete package, localization, construction and commercialization of PDC drills for the development of Mansourabad and Bank fields, commercialization of alternative complementary fluid Calcium bromide fluid for use in high-pressure wells is one of the axes of this cooperation agreement.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy


  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 90481

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