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In the closing ceremony of the Gol Gohar innovative ideas development event;

Dehghani; Big companies with innovation should be the drivers of new knowledge-based companies

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy said: Big companies like Gol Gohar can be the drivers of new knowledge-based companies with corporate innovation.

The closing ceremony of Gol Gohar's technological ideas development event was held with the presence of Ruhollah Dehghani, the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy at the Talash cultural and sports complex, with the introduction and appreciation of the best innovative ideas.

At the beginning of his speech, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy explained the term knowledge-based by giving an example of two companies and noted: The first company is an up-to-date car manufacturing company, which is an example of industrial economy, based on mass production and factories. and infrastructure. The automobile industry in an area of 10 hectares produces cars weighing 2 tons and produces more than 500,000 cars per year and sells each machine for 30,000 dollars. This 10-acre automotive site has $1 billion in infrastructure and the global profit it earns is roughly 10 percent.

On the other hand, a company with a land area of 1000 square meters produces a medicine vial that produces 4 vials of 5 grams, which are 20 grams in total, and sells them at the price more than 30,000 dollars. In the review of this company, we see that only 10% of the value of this company is its infrastructure, and 90% of its value comes from the technical knowledge available in it, and its profit is 400%. This company is an example of a company formed on the basis of knowledge-based economy.

Emphasizing that our mistake is in the combination of these two companies and we call it knowledge-based, Dehghani said: Knowledge-based is not a startup. Knowledge-based economy has a very broad concept in the world.

Emphasizing this difference of views, he said: Real knowledge-based companies that form the knowledge-based economy are very expensive. The real knowledge-based factories in the world constitute the major economies. When they reach the stage of commercialization and peak production, they become very expensive to the extent that it is not possible to buy them.

The head of the National Elites Foundation added: The advantage of buying these companies is that a company is bought with a 400% profit, while one of its disadvantages is that it is expensive to buy these companies. In the meantime, a strategy to buy these companies cheaper came up and based on that, after the formation of these companies, they should be bought. I will clarify this issue with an example of baby fish. Suppose each of these companies are small fish. 2 out of every 10 baby fish become whales, so buying these companies can also face the risk of not getting that much profit, but it is worth it because with a lower cost, there will be more risk in buying a start-up company.

Pointing out that he believes in a law called the law of the survival of problems, he said: Therefore, according to the law, problems change from one type to another. Because we don't have much money and capital to buy big companies, we will succeed by buying baby fish when they become whales.

Dehghani raised this debate that a concept called venture capital was formed in the West based on private economy and stated: Who can make venture capital? Either the private sector, or the public sector, or the middle sector, both private and public, do this work. In the United States, near 90% of the economy is in the hands of the private sector, and in the true sense, venture capital is done by the private sector.

Emphasizing this, he added: "In the last 10 years, all our research and technology funds did not risk as much as one-tenth of Gol Gohar's social responsibility in one year." Which risk? Do we have a private economy to take risks? Risk has no meaning for us. Risk does not make sense for an economy that is 85% government owned. The real risk is for the private sector. I say without pretension that we do not have a risk economy in the sense of the private sector. The total capital of all our research and technology funds is currently not even 2 thousand billion Tomans. There is no real private sector in any of them.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy, said: In the meantime, there will be a middle sector called large companies that are neither government nor private sector, which have both the features and authority of the government and the freedom of action of private companies like Gol Gohar Group. And for this reason, a concept called corporate innovation is formed. Due to having favorable financial circulation, good infrastructure, suitable equipment and site, and because it is located in the heart of the problem, this company can be the driving force for the investment of new knowledge-based companies, which according to the previous example are the same fry, and it collects these in its heart. so they don't fall back

He added: If the cost of manpower in our country becomes equivalent to Europe, the cost of energy and taxes and duties also become equivalent to European countries, our industries will no longer exist without compliments. Where and how do we progress? with corporate innovation; Because it is constantly developing. It should be thought of as a way to increase productivity. The country will never experience the income era of the 70s and 80s. Therefore, we have to go towards increasing the productivity and innovation of mining industries from now on. The future win will happen with this approach, which can happen in a group like Gol Gohar.

Dehghani stated: In addition to this procedure, innovations that happen in the value chain are important. There are many examples in petrochemicals and steel. You take so much trouble, you do so many sites and conveyor belts and workers and do deep exploration, in the end it will be more than 70% profit. In its downstream chain, in the chain of rare elements, in its technology chain, more than 80% of the value of a mining site is for 20% of its equipment. When he runs a website, near 80% is his work and 20% is his knowledge and brain ware. Be assured that the Vice Presidency of Science and the Ministry of Science and the like will never be able to make this happen without the support of the industries. Corporate innovation begins with large petrochemicals and mining industries such as Gol Gohar.

Appreciating all the members of the parliament and the former vice president of science and technology, he noted: If we talk about knowledge-based and knowledge-based economy today, it is the result of 15 years of hard work of managers who have established this concept that is needed today. Definitely, in the next 5 years, there will be those who work with modern knowledge and technology. The capacity that the Knowledge-Based Manufacturing Leap Law created and the tax credit created will help companies like Gol Gohar in research and development. This is a golden opportunity that has happened in the country.

In the end, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, pointing out that our goal is to provide horizontal and vertical development in the value chain, noted: by creating a consortium of knowledge-based companies in which technology, financing, contractors, and operators exist with the view of solving major problems. We have to build 10 super technology and innovation companies in the field of mining within the next 4 years, which definitely, considering the greatness of the Gol Gohar complex, if not less than 4 companies belong to this complex, it will definitely lag behind the development market, of course, with the view that from The managers of the collection know that it is predictable that within the next 4 years there will be 3 super companies in the global markets.

It should be noted that, on the sidelines of this ceremony, an exhibition of Gol Gohar's technological products and ideas was shown, where Dr. Dehghani talked with the producers. Also, at the end of this ceremony, the top 10 ideas of this event were recognized.

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 90137

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