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Dehghani: Linking large companies with knowledge-based institutions brings the sweet fruit of added value and employment.

A joint cooperation agreement was signed between the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and the Social Security Investment Company.

In the tripartite agreement that was concluded between the Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, the Ministry of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare and the Social Security Investment Company (Shasta), "Participation in the establishment of investment funds", "Definition of large knowledge-based projects", "Fixing the country's industrial needs, especially the economic, bottleneck and strategic ones, focusing on the needs of holdings and subsidiaries and affiliated companies, have been taken into consideration by creating specialized knowledge-based consortia.

The amount of defined projects during the period of this agreement has been set at the target amount of 40,000 billion rials, which will be allocated by concluding separate contracts.

Investment funds will be established in the first year of the implementation of the agreement after going through legal and contractual formalities with a capital of 20 thousand billion rials and benefiting from Article 11 Clause D of the Knowledge-Based Production Leap Law after obtaining the necessary permits.

Reliance of knowledge-based economy on intangible assets

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, in this ceremony, which was held in the presence of Seyyed Solat Mortazavi, Minister of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare, Ebrahim Bazian, CEO of Shasta, and a group of activists from technologist and knowledge-based companies under this holding, pointed out that the group driving company in the development of the knowledge-based economy and said: The knowledge-based economy is based and relies on intangible assets. A look at the world's leading companies shows that sometimes 100 to 120 percent of the value of these companies is based on their intangible assets.

Giving an example, Dehghani explained the importance of lower links and small companies in the added value chain and said: "A large iron ore mine includes several tens of hectares of land, hundreds of industrial equipments, several thousand workers and large dimensions that produce several thousand tons of iron concentrate. Extracts and supplies at a low price. Downstream of the value chain of this industry, a knowledge-based one, in a space of less than a few thousand meters, produces dental implants that create several thousand times added value from the same raw material. This example shows the necessity of knowledge-based and innovative companies in the value chain of industries to create added value and real and specialized employment.

The head of the National Elites Foundation, stating that the world has come to believe that today's economy is based on knowledge, technology and innovation, added: If a country wants to achieve development and progress, it is inevitable that knowledge and technology enter the economy. But why does our country have an advantage over other countries in the knowledge-based economy and can it be an opportunity creator in the knowledge-based economy? We have to accept that in terms of infrastructure and equipment, we are not more capable than advanced countries, and in the field of investment, the volume of our country's investment in the knowledge-based economy is not comparable to that of developed countries. However, we have a tremendous comparative advantage in the field of human resources and brainware. Cheaper manpower, higher IQ and, of course, high motivation are only part of our country's intellectual capacity. In addition, we have a much larger number of educated human resources in various fields of study and specialization.

He continued: If we know this advantage well and take advantage of it, we can be the leading economists in the world.

Referring to the role of large companies in supporting the creation of added value by knowledge-based companies, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy said: A significant amount of our economy is state-owned, and although the private sector has entered the field of knowledge-based economy to a significant extent, But the public sector, which has a major share of large-scale investments, is not capable of large-scale investments in the current situation; Therefore, for the formation of a knowledge-based economy and investment to help establish this economy, we need companies like "Shasta" to advance the locomotive of the knowledge-based economy with large and extensive investments. With micro-investments and startups, a knowledge-based economy will not be formed, although employment may be created, but the realization of this economy requires the existence of powerful drivers such as Shasta.

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy considered the greatest support for knowledge-based companies to be the creation of a wide and real market for knowledge-based products and services and said: Shasta has the ability to make numerous and extensive investments in the downstream links of the value chain.

He added: If we liken a tree to a value chain, knowledge-based companies are like blossoms at the top of the branches, which turn the sap and extract of the tree trunk, which is the upper layer of the value chain, into sweet and juicy fruits of added value.

Dehghani continued: Shasta is one of these valuable trees that, in connection with knowledge-based companies, transform those primary products such as iron ore into valuable, economic and job-creating knowledge-based products and create added value.

The necessity of using the capacity of knowledge-based companies

Seyyed Soulat Mortazavi, the Minister of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare, emphasized the role of the Vice Presidency of Science in the use of innovative and knowledge-based capacities and stated: We must benefit from the capacity of educated, innovative and specialized youth to achieve national authority, while we have achieved this honor and authority in many fields.

He added: The link between industry and knowledge will help the prosperity of the knowledge-based economy and make the economy prosperous.

The Minister of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare emphasized: If technologies and knowledge-based companies come to help production, then the amount of harvest and circulation of production will increase, costs will be reduced and competitiveness will take place in the economy.

Referring to the signing of the agreement between Shasta Company and the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, he said: the focus of this event is on two very important topics, the first topic is the exchange of the agreement between Shasta Company and knowledge-based companies of the presidency, focusing on knowledge bases, and the second topic is the unveiling of knowledge products. The foundation is in the field of healthcare.

Moving in the direction of knowledge-based products

In another part of this ceremony, Ebrahim Bazian, CEO of Social Security Investment Company, pointed out that the knowledge-based economy is one of the central arms of this group and said: Today, production, as the most central area of the economy, is the backbone of the knowledge-based economy. The country is paying attention. The wise leader of the revolution emphasized the knowledge-based economy as the permanent stream of Iran's economy to fight global arrogance and considered this economy as the backbone of the resistance economy.

He added: The importance of the knowledge-based economy based on the emphasis of the country's leadership and upstream documents prompted us to pay more attention to this area. Shasta considers its duty to develop businesses in this field. This company has placed one of its strategies in the field of innovation based on the development of the knowledge-based economy, and this strategy focuses on the agility of managers, intelligentization and digital transformation, innovation in production, increasing the quality of products and increasing the share of knowledge-based goods and services in the gross national product.

Unveiling knowledge-based pharmaceutical products

At the unveiling ceremony of knowledge-based pharmaceutical products, Mansour Nekoueynia, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tipico Pharmaceutical Company, pointed out the efforts of this group in promoting health and self-sufficiency in the production of pharmaceutical products and strategic effective substances and stated: In Tipico Company and in line with providing pharmaceutical security country, we produced 49 Iranian products for the first time in the country, which have received the necessary production permits; Among these, 28 manufactured products are considered as strategic products, of which 19 products have been unveiled so far. Today, 9 completely strategic products, including 4 pharmaceutical products and 5 effective pharmaceutical ingredients, were introduced and unveiled.

Nekoueynia continued: To supply effective substances and medicines that the country needs, we are trying to target the key points of health and to produce strategic medicines that have a high value and are vital for the country and to markets beyond Iran's borders.

According to the CEO of Tipico, ketamine was one of the important and vital drugs in anesthesia that entered the market in November of this year and met the country's needs.

Unveiled products

Among the drugs produced by Tipico and unveiled in this ceremony, we can mention "edaravone vial, which is used in als disease". "Labetalol ampoule, which is used to control high blood pressure in emergency situations", "Calcitriol ampoule, which is the active form of vitamin B", "Rocuronium 100 ampoule, which is used in anesthesia induction" as well as "5 effective medicinal substances" has also been localized in the country by this collection.

These effective substances include duloxetine, amlodipine, bisoprolol, prilocaine and ketorolac, which are produced by Tipico company with the aim of preventing the outflow of foreign currency and meeting the needs of the health sector in the country.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy


  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 90352

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